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Showing 21-30 of 48 results

Successful national strike in Argentina

28 June, 2018On 25 June, unions in Argentina orchestrated a 24-hour national work stoppage for the third time, protesting against the economic policies of Mauricio Macri’s government.

Argentine unions reject Mercosur-EU agreement

28 February, 2018The union confederations of Argentina, the two CTAs and the CGT, reject the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) and the European Union (EU).

Argentine unions protest at Atucha dismissals

12 July, 2017IndustriALL Argentinian affiliates SMATA and UOM, joined a solidarity protest for 1,000 dismissed workers at the Atucha nuclear plant.

Pirelli trade union network builds joint work

9 December, 2016The IndustriALL Trade Union Network at Pirelli held its second annual meeting on 30 November and 1 December in Turin, Italy. 

Trade unions protest one year after Mariana mining disaster

20 October, 2016Trade unions from all over the world are together preparing a protest for 5 November, the first anniversary of the biggest environmental tragedy in Brazil’s history, at the Samarco mine, BHP Billiton.

200,000 Argentinean workers march against dismissals and price hikes

7 September, 2016Expressing their opposition to dismissals and huge price rises during three days of protests, 200,000 workers took to the streets in a nationwide march on 2 September.

Latin American chemical sector workers prioritize networks

3 August, 2016The second meeting of Latin American chemical sector workers took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 28-29 July. The meeting stressed the importance of strengthening regional networks in order to achieve change and improvements for workers in the industry.

Regional paper and cellulose sector aims to form federation

2 August, 2016More than 30 leaders of trade unions in the Latin American paper and cellulose industry shared ideas on forming a federation that would help to build networks and strengthen the industry in the region.

Workers denounce anti-trade union practices at Gerdau steel plants

3 June, 2016The Gerdau World Workers’ Council met in Montevideo, Uruguay from 16-18 May to address the global steel crisis and anti-trade union practices at Gerdau, which is the biggest producer of long steel in the Americas.

Demonstrations in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil in defence of democracy

7 April, 2016IndustriALL’s affiliates in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil participated in a day of action held simultaneously in the three countries in support of the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, democracy and the rule of law.