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Showing 21-30 of 5899 results

Workers at Pirelli Mexico make call for fair union elections

11 March, 2025Some 1,000 members of the Independent Mexican Workers’ League (La Liga) are demanding fair union elections in a bid to negotiate the collective bargaining agreement at Pirelli Tyres.

Union win at Nexperia Philippines after three day strike

10 March, 2025After a 74-hour strike by 1,000 workers, the Nexperia Philippines Workers’ Union secured the reinstatement of union leaders Mary Ann Castillo (president) and Girlie Battad (union official), along with a PHP50 (US$0.87) wage increase over three years.

A new tool for trade unions to fight the gender pay gap

7 March, 2025IndustriALL is launching its new pay equity training modules for its affiliates. This practical tool aims to better equip unions in their collective bargaining and to put the value of work at the centre of wage negotiations.

A call for a gender-transformative social contract at Beijing+30

7 March, 2025Ahead of next week’s 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69/Beijing+30) global unions are calling for a gender-transformative new social contract, stressing the urgent need for action to protect gender equality and workers' rights worldwide.

A movement, not a moment: International Women’s Day 2025

6 March, 2025"Every year on 8 March, companies post messages about gender equality. Governments make speeches. Flowers are handed out in workplaces and we often talk about a 'celebration'. But where is the action? Where is the change? International Women’s Day must not be reduced to empty words and gestures, it must be a day of mobilizing, of fighting, of pushing forward," says IndustriALL assistant general secretary Christina Olivier. 

Organizing and union building in the India's cement sector

5 March, 2025A two-day workshop was organized for unions in the cement sector in Mumbai, India, on 26–27 February 2025. The key issues discussed during the presentations and discussions were the rising number of precarious workers, which has increased to 83 per cent. The recruitment of permanent workers has been halted for the past ten years, with no new hires to replace retiring employees. Organizing contract workers remains a significant challenge, leading to a weakening of unions due to the declining density of members.

Defending workers’ rights in wartime: the resilience of Atomprofspilka

4 March, 2025Atomprofspilka, an IndustriALL affiliate, provided legal oversight, ensuring that labour laws were upheld and workers' rights remained unshaken. The union was a community- one that informed, educated and uplifted. But then, the war came and everything changed.

Africa: Trade unions strategize on economic transformation and social justice

4 March, 2025Trade unions want to be involved in policymaking to become some of the actors that will change Africa’s narrative from war, poverty, natural disasters and unemployment, to one of economic transformation and development. The call came during discussions at the 15 ITUC Africa New Year School in Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, 25-28 February. 

Electronics unions in India unite to organize and strengthen networking

4 March, 2025A workshop on organizing and union building in the ICT, electrical & electronics sector under the India MNC supply chain project was held in Mumbai on 24-25 February. IndustriALL affiliates representing workers in the fast growing sector of India attended the event with the objective of strengthening union organizing and increasing their presence in the sector.

Asia-Pacific auto unions strengthen ties ahead of global auto conference

4 March, 2025On 3 March 2025, one day before the IndustriALL global auto conference, where unions from around the world will discuss the future of the industry, the Asia-Pacific regional automotive conference set the stage for critical debates on wages, working conditions, supply chains and organizing strategies.