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Showing 21-30 of 49 results

IndustriALL’s Executive Committee advancing workers’ rights

29 May, 2019Global solidarity was a central theme at IndustriALL’s Executive Committee in Brussels on 21–22 May.  As workers’ rights are under attack, trade unions organize and build union power.

REPORT: The Future of Work, and IndustriALL Global Union

20 May, 2019The Constitution of the International Labour Organization (ILO), adopted in the aftermath of World War I with the idea that there cannot be lasting world peace without social justice, has been described as the most ambitious social contract ever written. This year, 2019, will be the centenary of the ILO Constitution and to mark this event, on 22 January 2019 the ILO released the report of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work, entitled “Work for a brighter future”.

Just Transition - an idea whose time has come

16 May, 2019Affiliates of IndustriALL and its predecessors originated and named the concept of a Just Transition, which has since spread through the global labour movement. At the 2016 Congress in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, IndustriALL re-affirmed its commitment to achieving a Just Transition.

Just Transition - what do trade unions demand?

16 May, 2019For a Just Transition to a future in which the environment is protected and the economy is thriving, workers need sustainable industrial policies, with strong social protections, and support for workers – guided by social dialogue.

A trade union guide to a Just Transition for workers

15 May, 2019The transition to a cleaner, more sustainable economy must be economically and socially just and fair for workers and their communities.

Why are so many auto plants closing?

5 March, 2019Auto plants provide well-paid, highly skilled and heavily unionized work, so a spate of plant closures and retrenchments in several countries is worrying for unions. While we need to fight closures plant by plant, we also need to understand the wider structural drivers.

Stop the war on wages and close the wealth gap

21 January, 2019Multinational companies must stop the war on wages and give workers secure jobs with decent salaries, says IndustriALL Global Union as a new study from Oxfam shows that 26 billionaires own as much as the poorest 50 per cent of the world’s population. 

Rubber unions in unity against attacks

20 December, 2018Meeting in Mumbai, India on 18-19 December 2018, around 50 rubber union representatives from 15 countries in Asia-Pacific, the Americas and Europe engaged in a series of discussions to evaluate progress in implementing the Action Plan adopted by the World Rubber Conference in Pittsburgh, USA in September 2017.

Chemical and pharmaceutical unions push for worker protections at ILO global forum

13 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union trade unions from the pharmaceutical and chemical industries pushed for better worker protections at an International Labour Organization (ILO) global forum on digitalization and the future of work, from 10 to 12 December. 

“We want an industrialized Africa” say IndustriALL affiliates

12 December, 2018Around 80 participants from 20 Sub-Saharan African countries attended IndustriALL Global Union’s Conference on Industrialization in Africa, in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 7 December 2018, to explore union strategies on sustainable industrialization of the continent.