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Showing 21-30 of 278 results

Bangladesh: dismissed workers reinstated with ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism

19 December, 2023The right to freedom of association is upheld as IndustriALL affiliate, the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers' Federation (BGIWF), reaches an agreement on a complaint brought against Dekko Designs Ltd. under the ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism.

Signing on for workers' rights

12 December, 202356 brands have so far signed the new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, taking responsibility for workers’ rights in their supply chains. North American brands are conspicuously lacking from the list of signatories, which to date includes brands like H&M, Inditex (Zara), PVH, C&A and Otto Group.

Philippines ratifies ILO Convention 190

12 December, 2023After four years of campaigning led by IndustriALL Philippine affiliates, the country’s Senate has ratified the ILO Convention on violence and harassment, making Philippines the 37th country in the world to do so.

Austrian unions secure substantial gains in metalworking bargaining round

8 December, 2023Austrian unions Pro-GE and GPA have emerged as winners from the latest round of bargaining in the metal industry. Following an intense battle and the first walkout in the Austrian metal industry since 2018, the unions' concerted efforts have resulted in significant gains for over 200,000 workers across six sub-sectors.

Union-win in Australia with legislation on contract workers

7 December, 2023In a major victory for (labour-hire) contract workers across Australia, new legislation has passed that ensures that contract workers are paid the same as permanent workers performing the same role. 

Pakistan ratifies the Hong Kong Convention

6 December, 2023Pakistan becomes the 23rd country to ratify the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. The Convention is set to come into force in June 2025.

UAW members ratify record contracts

29 November, 2023In September, US affiliate UAW launched a strike, the Stand Up Strike, for better wages and conditions at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. After more than 40 days of strike action the union had achieved record contracts, now ratified by UAW members. 

Uruguayan metal workers' union obtains shorter working week

23 November, 2023In a major victory for the union, IndustriALL affiliate in Uruguay, National Union of Metal and Allied Workers (UNTMRA), has managed to obtain a reduction in working hours.

Brands commit to long-term future and expansion of International Accord

6 November, 2023Global trade unions and fashion brands and retailers have reached agreement on a new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry. The renegotiated contract secures the work of the Accord until the end of the decade, strengthens the complaint mechanism for workers and includes commitments for an expansion into other countries.

UAW reaches tentative agreement with all of the Big Three

30 October, 2023IndustriALL affiliate United Auto Workers Union (UAW) have halted strikes at Ford, Stellantis and General Motors plants after reaching tentative agreements on record contracts in a strike that started on 15 September.