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Showing 21-30 of 478 results

Union wins after four-day strike at Dangote cement plant in Zambia

10 February, 2022Over 500 workers at the Dangote Industries Zambia Limited cement plant in Masaiti, outside Ndola, went on a wildcat strike 25-28 January to demand better wages and working conditions.

No decent work without social protection

7 October, 2021Today is World Day for Decent Work and we highlight the impact of Covid on garment workers and the global campaign to achieve social protection for this workforce.

IndustriALL’s 3rd Congress elects new leadership to overcome challenges

16 September, 2021Originally planned to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, the Covid-19 pandemic meant that IndustriALL’s 3rd Congress instead became a virtual event from a television studio in Geneva. On 14-15 September, more than 3,000 delegates and observers from more than 100 countries discussed and debated, elected a new leadership and adopted an ambitious action plan for the next four years.

434 Indonesian paper workers reject poverty wages

18 March, 2021434 outsourced paper workers at PT Tanjung Enim Lestari Pulp & Paper (PTTEL) are striking in protest of poverty wages.

Geneva votes for a decent legal living wage

1 October, 2020Protect wages, not borders: unions hit a double target and win in Geneva and Switzerland this weekend. A union campaign encouraged the 500,000 population of the Geneva area to vote against growing poverty in one of the world’s most expensive cities by introducing a minimum living wage of CHF 23 (US $25) per hour.

Modi government’s anti-worker laws met with union protests

24 September, 2020Central trade unions in India came together in nationwide protests on 23 September to protest against a series of anti-workers policies passed by the Modi government.

South Asia unions prioritize social protection, health and workers’ rights

9 September, 2020In a series of meetings, IndustriALL’s South Asia affiliates described the devastating impact of Covid-19, health and safety challenges and renewed attacks on workers’ rights. Their response to overcome the crisis is universal social protection, defending workers’ rights and unity.

Labour law changes and migrant workers' rights in India

4 September, 2020Last month, IndustriALL’s South Asia office organized two webinars with Indian affiliates to discuss anti-worker labour law reforms pursued by the Modi government, the impact of Covid -19, and rights and remedies for migrant workers.

Industrial tribunal deals blow to BHP

16 July, 2020IndustriALL’s affiliates CFMEU Mining and Energy and AWU welcome the decision by the Australian Fair Work Commission that BHP’s two enterprise agreements covering the mining giant’s in-house labour hire workforce cannot be approved.

Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector

1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.