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Showing 191-200 of 371 results

IndustriALL in solidarity with Arauco workers in Argentina

13 August, 2015Following dismissals and arrests at the hands of Arauco Argentina, workers from the SOEP trade union are demanding the reinstatement of their colleagues and better working conditions. IndustriALL Global Union supports the fight for their rights. 

Kenyan unions prioritize organizing

11 August, 2015Affiliates in Kenya and the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) pledged support for the project on aimed at organizing, addressing precarious work and advocating for better occupational health and safety.

Ugandan affiliates boost organizing

10 August, 2015A national level training on organizing focused on occupational health and safety and precarious work as the tools for organizing took place on 30 and 31 July 2015 at Kampala, Uganda in Lavanda Hotel.

IndustriALL in solidarity with SITRAMINA members in Peru

6 August, 2015Trade union representatives met with copper company Antapaccay S.A management on 24 July in Lima to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. The union is demanding Antapaccay to respect union rights and the freedom of association, but the meeting ended without any significant progress.

We demand clean elections!

29 July, 2015Legal action concerning the four-year old dispute over collective bargaining rights at Honda’s plant in Mexico has still not been resolved and the company continues with its anti-trade union policy, which includes victimizing union members.

FUP prepares September strike in defence of Petrobras

29 July, 2015After the 24-hour strike on 24 July, members of the main oil industry union in Brazil, FUP/CUT, are preparing another strike in September in defence of Petrobras.

A decisive week for Glencore workers in Peru

21 July, 2015Two unions affiliated to the FNTMMSRP (National Miners’ Federation of Peru), which is in turn affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, face a decisive week in Peru. SUTRACOMASA (Union of Antamina Workers) will begin talks with Antamina on 21 July and SITRAMINA will meet representatives of Antapaccay S.A on 24 July to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. Both companies are partly owned  by Glencore.

Fatality at Gerdau plant in Uruguay

21 July, 2015Nery Alvarez was killed in a workplace accident at the Gerdau-Laisa steel plant in Uruguay on 14 July. IndustriALL Global Union extends its sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Uruguay: trade union centre announces 24-hour general strike

15 July, 2015Uruguayan trade union centre PIT-CNT has announced an action plan including a 24-hour general strike on 6 August, and also demanding changes to pay guidelines, respect for collective bargaining and a bigger education budget.

Senate postpones vote on Petrobras bill due to lack of debate

2 July, 2015The Brazilian Senate met on 30 June to vote on bill PLS 131/2015 under the Senate’s urgent business procedure, when a bill goes directly to a plenary vote without being examined by technical committees. The bill would remove Petrobras’ exclusive rights to exploit the Pre-Salt oilfields. However, the Senate decided to postpone voting as it felt a more detailed debate was necessary.