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Showing 191-200 of 337 results

IndustriALL affiliates review trade union organizing efforts in India

22 February, 2016IndustriALL Indian affiliates are comitted to continue organizing precarious workers in the textile, garment, leather, steel, mining and energy sectors.

Save our steel!

18 February, 2016Thousands of steel workers marched in Brussels on 15 February to call on the European Commission to act on the increasing threat to their jobs posed by imports of cheap steel from China.

Colombia: workers at Havells Sylvania poisoned by mercury

11 February, 2016Workers at Havells Sylvania in Colombia held a protest march to pressure the lighting company into accepting responsibility for exposing them to toxic levels of mercury. 

USA: 18,000 steelworkers approve 3-year contract

3 February, 2016IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) union have ratified a new three-year contract with U.S. Steel covering 18,000 workers at more than a dozen facilities across the United States.

US Steelworkers rally against ArcelorMittal to demand fair contracts

28 January, 2016Around 100 United Steelworkers (USW) members, retirees and supporters rallied at rush hour outside ArcelorMittal’s corporate offices in downtown Chicago on the morning of 27 January 2016 and delivered a loud and clear message directly to group chairman and CEO, Lakshmi Mittal, “We deserve a fair contract now!”. 

Brazilian metalworkers’ prepare for industry challenges

22 January, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Brazilian affiliate, CNM/CUT, is addressing the challenges facing industry with a workshop and book launch on 22 January in Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

Crown Holdings urged to commit to OECD guidelines

18 January, 2016In its final statement, the U.S. National contact point (USNCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, recommends that Crown Holdings, Inc. should “explicitly commit itself to implementing the Guidelines” to ensure workers’ rights are respected.

Alcoa – forcing crew off ship in Australia and closing plants in the US

14 January, 2016In the middle of the night on 13 January, 30 security guards boarded the Alcoa motor vessel Portland to remove five union crewmembers and escort foreign seafarers on to the ship that immediately left for Singapore.

Governments debate steel crisis in China’s absence

3 December, 2015The OECD High Level Steel Committee held its latest meeting in Paris-France to discuss the current global steel crisis. Of the more than 140 participants from governments, industry and trade unions, there was one government missing at this critical time for the sector; China.

IndustriALL in solidarity with CNM/CUT after attack

26 November, 2015The offices of the National Confederation of Metalworkers (CNM-CUT) in Brazil, an IndustriALL affiliate, were attacked on 25 November. IndustriALL abhors the violence and expresses its solidarity with the workers.