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Showing 191-200 of 253 results

Building strong unions in Myanmar

29 October, 2014In a country where trade unions were banned until 2011, the founding congress of the Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar, held on 18 and 19 October, marks an important leap forward for the trade union movement.

Living wages a major demand in Africa

22 October, 2014Campaigns are being developed in several African countries to push for living wages.

Cambodia – garment workers protest after delay in wage decision

13 October, 2014Over a thousand garment workers took to the streets in Phnom Penh on Sunday to demand better pay following a delay in announcing a new minimum wage.

Putting the spotlight on wages and working hours in garment supply chains

26 September, 2014At an ILO Global Dialogue Forum earlier this week, IndustriALL unions told governments and employers about the impact on garment workers of low wages and long working hours and propose solutions.

Brands say they will pay more for clothes made in Cambodia

19 September, 2014In an unprecedented move, eight major fashion retailers have said they are prepared to pay more for clothes made in Cambodia. It follows a global day of action by unions in support of garment workers’ demands for a higher wage.

Egyptian unions fight for living wages

18 September, 2014Egyptian unions consider achievement of living wages to be one of the most important issues for organizing. Existing wage structures are chaotic with some workers being paid much less than others for doing the same work. IndustriALL is working with the emerging independent unions in Egypt to form industry federations capable of fighting for higher wages.

Dominican unions map out living wage action plan

18 September, 2014Union leaders in the Dominican Republic agreed an action plan to increase wages in a workshop organized by IndustriALL Global Union in Santo Domingo last week.

Cambodia: Thousands of garment workers take action

17 September, 2014Global unions joined thousands of garment workers in Cambodia today in an international day of action to demand an increase in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 per month.

Poverty wages behind Cambodian garment workers collapsing

16 September, 2014Hundreds of garment workers pass out in Cambodian textile factories every year. As they fight for a raise in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 a month, Luc Forsyth finds that poverty wages are largely to blame…

Global unions unite to back Cambodian garment workers’ action day

11 September, 2014Three global unions, representing millions of workers around the world, are mobilizing to back Cambodian garment unions’ demands for higher wages.