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7 October, 2015IndustriALL Bangladesh Council organized a human chain in Dhaka with more than 200 people protesting against precarious work.

On 7 October Rio Tinto workers everywhere are demanding decent work

7 October, 2015Marking World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, employees of the mining and metals giant Rio Tinto are taking concerted action to call on their employer to Stop Precarious Work.


7 October, 2015On the occasion of the World Day of Decent Work the IndustriALL Japanese affiliates organized a number of actions on 7 October.

IndustriALL files ILO complaint against Thai Government

7 October, 2015Today, on the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL Global Union has filed a complaint with the International Labour Organization (ILO) against the Royal Thai Government for serous violations of trade union rights. 

Getting ready for 7 October

2 October, 2015With 7 October less than one week away, IndustriALL affiliates are preparing a range of actions to bring visibility to their fight against precarious work.

Senegal – affiliates mobilizing for 7 October

18 September, 20157 October will be the culmination of a campaign run since August by IndustriALLGlobal Union’s affiliates in Senegal against abusive use of daily and seasonal work.

Unions from South East Europe join global campaign against precarious work

15 September, 2015Trade unions in South East Europe are operating in an adverse environment. At a workshop in Sarajevo, union representatives from the region voiced their determination to fight for improved protection of workers’ rights in legislation and stop the expansion of precarious work.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

Colombian unions take action to recruit outsourced workers

17 August, 2015The Colombian trade unions Sintracarbón and USO have been successful in recruiting new members among outsourced workers, as they explained at a recent seminar on how to fight outsourcing, held on 28-29 July 2015 in Bogota.

IndustriALL Global Union responds to the mining and metals crisis

13 August, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is shocked and alarmed at the massive jobs bloodbath unfolding in the mining and metals sector, ostensibly as a result of the plunge in commodity prices. The global scale of the massive lay-offs and job cuts is unprecedented.