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Showing 1851-1860 of 1864 results

Metal workers in Turkey fight for union recognition

30 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union supports Birlesik Metal-Is in its fight for union recognition at Ceha BüroMobilyalari, a metal furniture factory in the city of Kayseri, where the union organized a big majority of the 800 employees.

Demand reinstatement of union members at Togo Footwear in Turkey

26 July, 2012Act now and send a message to Togo Footwear demanding the reinstatement of 35 workers dismissed for joining Deri-Is (Leather Workers’ Union of Turkey).

Workers at Komatsu and GM supplier plant in Russia join ITUA

26 July, 2012Two new ITUA locals were created in Russia, one at Komatsu truck plant in Yaroslavl and the other at VLANAKS, GM and Chevrolet supplier in Saint-Petersburg. VLANAKS management was immediately hostile to the union.

ZEWU President amongst the 135 workers suspended at ZESA

25 July, 2012Workers at Zimbabwe’s state owned utility, ZESA, have been suspended after a threatened strike on 10 July 2012. The President of Zimbabwe Energy Workers’ Union (ZEWU), Angelina Chitambo, is amont those that have been suspended along with two other elected officials of the union, Tariro Shumba and Dennis Mukote.

More than 100 workers dismissed at Honduran company distributing Caterpillar equipment

25 July, 2012The union representing workers at CEMCOL has denounced the company’s anti-trade union attitude and requested solidarity.

Support striking Unite members at Paragon in the UK

24 July, 2012Members of Unite the Union are fighting back against Paragon, as the leading printing company attempts to squeeze yet more profits out of its workers in Sunderland, Northeast England.

Brands must support collective bargaining in collegiate supplier factory

24 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and the ITUC have sent a joint letter to Nike and Adidas calling on them to take immediate action to protect an extremely fragile industrial relations situation at Honduran supplier, Pinehurst Manufacturing.

Rio Tinto voted worst company linked to Olympics

23 July, 2012Rio Tinto was awarded the gold medal on Friday 20 July in London, after being voted the worst company linked to the London Olympics.

Workers down tools on job and salary cuts at Evraz

23 July, 2012On July 15th 2012 2000 members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) employed by Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium down tools in protest of salary cuts and retrenchments.

Bridgestone workers still on strike in Bahia, Brazil

20 July, 2012The workers have been on strike for 20 days and have received support from the USW in the United States, which has promised to seek channels of mediation with the company.