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Showing 181-190 of 371 results

IndustriALL chemical workers in LAC stronger together

28 October, 2015Trade union leaders in the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries from all over Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) attended the first regional meeting of IndustriALL chemicals sector workers. The aim was to share and analyze the current trade union situation and labour relations and plan actions and activities on the problems that affect them.

Defending democracy in Brazil and in the region: Declaration of the Regional Council of Global Unions and the CSA

20 October, 2015The Regional Council of Global Unions and the CSA express their deep concern at recent events that threaten democracy in Brazil. The presidential elections are a reflection of the sovereignty of the people's will, as expressed at the polls electing Dilma Rousseff with 54.5 million votes, and must be respected by all the powers of the nation and the opposition groups that were defeated in the 2014 elections. 

IndustriALL flashmob for Decent Work

9 October, 2015On 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL organized the Planet for Decent Work Flashmob as part of the STOP Precarious Work global campaign.

Women at IndustriALL unanimously adopt quotas and Equality Charter

23 September, 2015Some 300 women from all continents met in Vienna from 14 to 16 September 2015 at IndustriALL Global Union’s First Women World Conference to debate issues ranging from maternity protection to women’s representation and violence against women.

Strike victory at Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz - 1,550 jobs saved

3 September, 2015Thanks to the strikes organized by Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz workers in Brazil and to national and international solidarity, the two companies have agreed to reinstate dismissed workers. When workers unite and fight for their rights, they can achieve their goals.

We need more women leaders!

25 August, 2015Women and men together take better decisions and organize more workers than men alone. That is why we need more women in the leadership of trade unions at the local, national and global level.

VW workers declare indefinite strike against redundancies at Taubaté plant in Brazil

24 August, 2015On 17 August, Volkswagen announced that 100 workers are to lose their jobs at its plant in Taubaté, Brazil. Workers have responded by declaring an indefinite strike. IndustriALL Global Union offers its support and solidarity to the workers and calls on the company to negotiate in order to avoid an unwanted dispute.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

Industry bargaining for living wages

18 August, 2015As pressure is increasing on multinational corporations (MNCs) to account for violations of workers’ rights in their global supply chains, trade unions are identifying how MNCs’ own sourcing practices lead to these violations and developing new models of cooperation to change them. IndustriALL is working with major clothing brands in a process known as ACT to create a system that can increase wages in a sustainable and enforceable way.

Colombian unions take action to recruit outsourced workers

17 August, 2015The Colombian trade unions Sintracarbón and USO have been successful in recruiting new members among outsourced workers, as they explained at a recent seminar on how to fight outsourcing, held on 28-29 July 2015 in Bogota.