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Showing 181-190 of 253 results

Myanmar – building a level playing field for labour

11 March, 2015At a meeting with Myanmar’s labour minister on 9 March, Jyrki Raina, General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, called for a minimum living wage and funds for social welfare programs.

Mobilizing for living wages

27 February, 2015All over the world, the IndustriALL Global Union family is mobilizing for a living wage for all workers. In 2014, good steps forward were taken in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and elsewhere. But there is a long way to go. 

Why no mention of workers at Davos?

13 January, 2015As leaders from government and business prepare to descend on Davos for the World Economic Forum, working people are ignored in this year’s theme on the ‘new global context’. 

2014: what a year it has been

22 December, 20142014 is approaching its end and what a year it has been. IndustriALL affiliates around the world have organized and campaigned for trade union rights and will continue on into 2015.

1 million workers strike across Indonesia

15 December, 2014On 10 December, 1 million members of Indonesian trade union confederations KSPI, KSBSI and KSPSI went on strike demanding wage increases after president Joko Widodo upped fuel prices. In Jakarta 50,000 people marched to the President’s Palace to voice their demands.

Labour market policies key to wage growth, says ILO report

11 December, 2014A new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO) advocates minimum wage policies and collective bargaining to combat wage inequality. 

IndustriALL Executive Committee in Tunis

8 December, 2014On 4 – 5 December, IndustriALL held its Executive Committee meeting in Tunis. The location was a show of support for Tunisia’s democratic development, in which trade unions have played an important part.

Israeli union wins rise in minimum wage

8 December, 2014Israeli union federation Histadrut has succeeded in increasing the minimum wage for private workers in Israel by NIS 700 (US$175) rather than NIS 200 (US$50) proposed by the finance minister.

New minimum wage sets off demonstrations in Indonesia

4 December, 2014With a new minimum wage in Indonesia set much lower than union demands, workers have already taken to the streets and are gearing up for further protests at the end of the month.

Global unions dismiss Cambodian 128 USD wage as inadequate

12 November, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, UNI Global Union and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) dismiss today’s decision by the Cambodian government to set a minimum wage of US$128 a month for the garment sector as inadequate.