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Showing 181-190 of 1745 results

The Nordic model under attack in Finland

5 July, 2023Following the elections in April this year, conservative leader Petteri Orpo has formed a new right-wing coalition government, including the far-right populist True Finns party. The new government has outlined a plan that runs completely counter to the objectives of the trade union movement. If implemented, it will take Finland further away from the consensus-based social policies of the other Nordic countries. 

Gunmen murder union leaders and workers in Honduras

5 July, 2023A group of gunmen murdered thirteen people in Honduras, including four union leaders and several workers from the Gildan plant in San Miguel. IndustriALL has strongly condemned the killings and has called for justice to be done without delay.

Mid-Term Policy Conference lays down strategic goals for a just future

29 June, 2023A colourful background displaying building blocks to close the growing inequality gap set the scene for discussions on current and future challenges and strategic priorities when 600 representatives from 179 unions in 64 countries met for the IndustriALL Mid-Term Policy Conference on 20-22 June.

Tunisia is sliding into totalitarianism, warn the global unions

28 June, 2023A combination of unconstitutional legislation signed by the Tunisian President and administrative orders pushed by the Speaker of the Parliament and the judicial authorities are severely restricting the right of the Tunisian people to be informed, to monitor the work of public officials and to hold them to account.  

Raising workers’ voices for change

26 June, 2023This year’s International Labour Conference in Geneva gathered 5,000 delegates representing governments, workers and employers from the ILO’s 187 member states. The ILC passed resolutions on a just transition and labour protection, as well as adopting a new recommendation on quality apprenticeships and a resolution on Belarus.

Building workers’ power along the Hop Lun Group supply chain

19 June, 2023Union leaders and workers from Hop Lun production facilities in Bangladesh and Indonesia met in Semarang city, Indonesia on 10 June, committing to building solidarity and improving industrial relations throughout the supply chain.

Global unions meet representatives of Myanmar National Unity Government

16 June, 2023On 14 June, IndustriALL Global Union, ITUC and BWI met with Myo Min, union minister for the Ministry of Human Rights for the National Unity Government (NUG) of Myanmar and vowed to continue to support the fight for a return of democracy in the country. The NUG is the democratically elected government that was overthrown in the military coup of February 2021.

Military breaks strike in Myanmar garment factory

15 June, 2023Military crackdown on striking workers and subsequent arrests at a factory producing for Spanish fashion giant Zara yet again make it blatantly clear that freedom of association is impossible in Myanmar.

Violent attack against Korean unionists must stop

8 June, 2023Two unionists from the Federation of Korean Metalworkers’ Trade Unions (FKMTU) were injured after they were violently attacked by Korean police.

Building stronger unions in Asia Pacific through collective struggle

7 June, 2023IndustriALL Global Union Asia Pacific executive committee urges affiliates in the region to build stronger unions through collective efforts.