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Showing 1781-1790 of 5846 results

Argentinian union condemns LafargeHolcim for exposing workers to COVID-19

2 April, 2020According to IndustriALL affiliate Asociación Obrera Minera Argentina (AOMA) Holcim (of the LafargeHolcim group) is demanding that employees continue work as normal, in violation of the emergency decrees adopted by the Argentinian government to protect against the corona virus.

Belarus: work contract not renewed over union activity

1 April, 2020Mikalaj Valadzko’s work contract was terminated by German-based Redpath Deilmann over his activities in IndustriALL affiliate Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BITU). 

ACT brands commit to responsible business practices in Bangladesh

31 March, 2020ACT signatory brands have expressed their commitment to maintain responsible business practices and social dialogue with union representatives from IndustriALL Bangladesh Council (IBC) and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), amid the corona virus outbreak.

Sri Lankan union protects workers amid Covid-19

31 March, 2020The Sri Lankan government took action as IndustriALL affiliate FTZ&GSEU’s called to transport workers stranded in boarding houses in free trade zones back to their homes. Now the union is urging the government to ensure due wages are paid. 

Covid-19 - Advice for workers and employers

30 March, 2020IndustriALL Global Union views occupational health and safety as a matter of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities. The extraordinary situation created by the outbreak of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, does not change these fundamentals. In fact, they are now more important than ever.

Myanmar union calls for paid stay-at-home leave

30 March, 2020Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) is calling on employers to accept a one-month shutdown of factories to help prevent an outbreak of the corona virus, while workers are paid the minimum wage.

Union members race to convert factories to produce supplies for Covid-19 patients

26 March, 2020In the wake of the Corona epidemic, workplaces are changing production to join the fight against the virus.

Italian metalworkers strike to halt non-essential production

26 March, 2020UPDATE : During negotiations with the Government on CGIL, CISL, and UIL secured a revision to the definition of ‘essential productive activities’ allowed to operate during the health crisis with a new decree dated 25 March. This new decree replaces the one from 22 March and establishes a new reduced list of authorized production activities. The trade unions are satisfied with the new decree as it reduces the number of people having to go to work and therefore better protects workers’ safety and health.

South African textile union wins full pay guarantee during coronavirus lockdown

26 March, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the South African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) has reached an agreement to guarantee six weeks of full pay for 80,000 workers as the country goes into lockdown.

Union responses to Covid-19

26 March, 2020The novel coronavirus, and the disease it causes, COVID-19, is leading to an unfolding public health, economic and employment crisis. Unions around the world are responding to the rapidly evolving situation, defending workers' rights and promoting social solidarity.