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Showing 1711-1720 of 1745 results

Siemens anti-union campaign bullies workers out of organizing

13 September, 2012IndustriALL-affiliated United Steelworkers (USW) was not surprised by an unsuccessful workplace election at Siemens in North East, Maryland, USA, on 7 September. Siemens management had employed harsh bullying tactics pressuring workers to vote against the union, besmirching the international reputation of the company weeks after it became a global framework agreement partner with IndustriALL.

EU should promote human rights in Kazakhstan

13 September, 2012Human Rights Watch (HRW) accuses Kazakhstan’s government and some companies of systematic violations of oil workers’ rights and suggests EU should pressure Kazakh authorities to improve the situation.

Labour keeps up pressure for democracy in Swaziland

11 September, 2012Despite demobilization efforts of the Swaziland government, labour together with student bodies and civil society in the country pushed on with calls for multiparty democratic elections during the Global Week of Action on Swaziland, 3 to 7 September.

Union victory at MAS-DAF

30 August, 2012Birlesik Metal-Is achieved a victory in the long running dispute at MAS-DAF with a court decision on 15 June stating that the dismissal of 104 Birlesik Metal-Is members in April 2011 was unjustified.

Unions file OECD complaint against PKC

30 August, 2012Unions in Finland and Mexico joined with IndustriALL Global Union on 28 August in filing a complaint with the OECD against Finnish autoparts maker PKC Group for union busting in Mexico.

Siemens GFA put to early test in the US

28 August, 2012The new Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with electronics multinational Siemens is being put to the test in a USW organizing drive at a plant in Maryland, USA. Join the LabourStart campaign to support workers threatened by company-hired union busters ahead of a 6 September vote.

Join the online campaign for suspended Zimbabwe trade unionists

23 August, 2012Join the IndustriALL-Labourstart campaign now and send your protest message to the Chief Executive of Zimbabwe’s state owned energy utility, ZESA, as hearings are held for 135 workers suspended for threatening to strike.

Attack on union at Russian auto supplier disrupts production at GM

23 August, 2012Vlankas, a company which supplies bumpers to GM in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, refuses to recognize the Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) local. Several unionized workers were dismissed, causing production problems both at Vlankas and its customer, General Motors.

Improving working conditions in Philippines EPZs

22 August, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) affiliates met with sportswear brands and suppliers in Cebu, the Philippines, on 17 August to discuss the barriers to workers’ rights in the Mactan Economic Zone, and explore possibilities for improving working conditions in the Zone.

Justice for Korean workers at Hyundai Kia Motors

22 August, 2012Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) stages a series of strikes demanding higher wages, regularization of precarious workers and the abolishment of night shift work, which is causing serious danger to workers’ health.