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Showing 171-180 of 242 results

AFL-CIO awards TUCOSWA Human Rights Award

4 August, 2015The George Meany-Lane Kirkland Human Rights Award in 2015 recognizes the courage and persistence of Swaziland’s workers in demanding their rights in one of the world’s most autocratic countries.

Strike at Volvo Brazil ends with worker victory

4 June, 2015Workers at Volvo Brazil have ended the longest strike in the company’s history. An agreement on pay and on job security was finally reached on 1 June, ending a 24-day strike that was called in response to company threats to dismiss workers.  

Mines in Colombia still unsafe

19 May, 2015On 13 May, 15 miners died after being trapped in a flooded gold mine in Riosucio, Colombia. After either an explosion inside the mine or cut-off the electricity supply, the pumps stopped working and the mine was flooded. Mine owner, Leonardo Mejía, said that 15 of the 80 miners working in the mine were killed.

Drummond acquitted despite accidents and threats

7 May, 2015A six-year legal battle came to an end when the United States Court of Appeal ruled in favour of US-based coal company Drummond, accused of conspiring with paramilitary groups, involvement in a workplace accident and threatening to dismiss workers in Colombia. 

IndustriALL tells Iranian government: Hands off May Day

27 April, 2015The Iranian government is cracking down against workers organizing May Day celebrations. IndustriALL Global Union supports the brave Iranian unions operating in face of intimidation and arrests to mark the international workers’ day.

The fight against outsourcing in Brazil intensifies

16 April, 2015Brazilian workers held a one-day national strike on 15 April in many places across the country to protest at Bill 4330 on outsourcing, which they say threatens workers’ rights and freedom of association.

IndustriALL calls on Ecopetrol to reinstate dismissed USO leader

7 April, 2015Edwin Palma, USO vice president, was dismissed by the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol on 27 March after he used social networks to publicise the salaries of company managers. IndustriALL Global Union considers the dismissal to have been unfair and illegal and is calling for Palma’s immediate reinstatement.

Turkey: Metal strike ban still in place

2 April, 2015As the 60-day postponement period following a Cabinet Decree to ban the metal industry strike ends, the fundamental right to strike is still far from reality in Turkey. 

Jóvenes y gremios se manifiestan contra ley que reduce salarios

25 February, 2015El miércoles 18 de febrero miles de trabajadores, estudiantes y miembros de distintos gremios sindicales de Perú se reunieron en la Confiep para expresar su rechazo al proyecto de ley Nº 4008, que reduce los salarios de los trabajadores. 

Russia: IndustriALL affiliate ITUWA celebrates victory against short-term contracts

12 February, 2015An important legal victory for the ITUWA this week set a precedent in the fight against precarious temporary contracts in the region’s auto-industry.