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Showing 171-180 of 295 results

Japanese metalworkers secure major wage increase

26 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliated Japanese metalworkers’ unions achieved the largest annual wage increase in 16 years in their 2015 Spring Offensive. The Japanese metalworkers submit demands on wages and working conditions every February, and engage in collective bargaining.

Colombia - declaration of indefinite strike

18 March, 2015Workers in Colombia’s mining and energy sectors face anti-trade union practices, persecution and unfair dismissal. The Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Unity in the Mining and Energy Sectors (CUSME), including the leaders of the three unions involved in the proposed merger, met on 12 and 13 March in Bogota to discuss the next steps in the creation of a national mining and energy union and declared an indefinite strike in the oil sector.

Germany: chemical workers determined in negotiations

2 March, 2015Sector-wide collective bargaining rounds covering 550,000 chemical workers in Germany are continuing as the latest negotiations on 24 February in Kassel failed to reach a conclusion.

IG Metall secures 3.4 per cent industry pay rise

24 February, 2015German metalworkers’ union, IG Metall, has succeeded in securing a 3.4 per cent pay rise in a deal with employers following warning strikes by more than 850,000 workers nationwide. 

IndustriALL raises the bar for global agreements

6 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has raised the standards for global framework agreements (GFAs) to better protect trade union and worker rights at all stages of a multinational company’s operations.

Union takes legal action against anti-union SQM

3 February, 2015The National Confederation of Metalworkers (CONSTRAMET) / Industriall Chile, has taken further legal action against SQM Industrial S.A. and SQM Nitratos S.A. for violating workers’ basic rights. In response, the company has taken reprisals against its employees and continues to employ anti-trade union practices.

165,000 German metal workers stage warning strikes

2 February, 2015165,000 metal workers from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate IG Metall have staged warning strikes at almost 800 companies across Germany in the past week.

CTM intimidate Teksid, Gunderson and Pytco workers at court hearing

29 January, 2015On 22 January, 350 thugs from the non-independent Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) surrounded the Local Conciliation and Arbitration Board building in Monclova, Mexico. The board was dealing with a request by the National Miners’ Union (SNTMMSRM) to schedule a vote on which union should have collective bargaining rights at Gunderson, Teksid and Pytco.

Turkey: Remarkable achievement for precarious textile workers

21 January, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate DISK-Tekstil has achieved an unprecedented step forward at Greif Enterprises, an American packaging company, by making more than 1,200 contract workers permanent through an agreement between the union and the company.

Workers United successful strike repels two-tier contract

15 October, 2014IndustriALL’s affiliate Workers United, Local 2641, ratified a new collective agreement on 12 October to end their strike and reject the disruptive two-tier contract proposed by glass company NGF, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The plant produces specialty glass fibers for industrial use.