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Showing 171-180 of 371 results

India: cement unions determined to protect precarious workers

8 February, 2016IndustriALL’s Indian cement unions have agreed to make organizing precarious workers a priority, following a workshop held in New Delhi from 3 to 5 February 2016. 

Workers in Argentina face lay-offs

8 February, 2016Workers in both the public and private sectors in Argentina are facing lay-offs and dismissals. IndustriALL Global Union rejects these measures and urges President Mauricio Macri’s government to promote social dialogue and respect workers’ rights.

Miners' union and companies want to improve industrial relations

28 January, 2016The Mexican miners’ union and more than 40 companies share the same objective: tackle the problems caused by the global economy for both workers and companies. This was on the agenda when they met on 21-23 January to discuss how to improve industrial relations.

IndustriALL welcomes new Somali oil union

17 December, 2015Cooperation and efforts of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), IndustriALL Global Union and its Norwegian affiliate Industri Energi brought a fantastic result in Somalia. The first union uniting petroleum and gas workers saw the light during the founding national congress on 13-14 December 2015.

IndustriALL in solidarity with CNM/CUT after attack

26 November, 2015The offices of the National Confederation of Metalworkers (CNM-CUT) in Brazil, an IndustriALL affiliate, were attacked on 25 November. IndustriALL abhors the violence and expresses its solidarity with the workers.

Gerdau workers in Brazil face anti-trade union practices

26 November, 2015The Brazilian company Gerdau’s anti-trade union practices are violating the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. IndustriALL calls on the company to respect workers’ rights in Brazil and expresses its total support and solidarity for the workers.

Brazil – mining flood destroys everything in its way

24 November, 2015IndustriALL offers its solidarity to the residents and workers of Mariana, Brazil, victims of the environmental disaster caused by the collapse of a dam at a mine owned by Samarco Mineração S.A. The tide of toxic sludge has killed nine people, flora and fauna, and 19 people are still missing. 

Climate change requires Just Transition

24 November, 2015IndustriALL Global Union supports a strong worldwide agreement in the COP21 talks in Paris in order to manage climate change. But we need to take care of our workers. That means industrial transformation and just transition into a low-carbon society.

Coalminers demand stronger attention to their future

20 November, 201540 delegates from Australia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan and South Africa gathered at the headquarters of the IndustriALL German affiliate IG BCE in Hannover, Germany at the Global coal mining conference to discuss union responses to the challenges faced by workers and their unions in coal mining industry.

Uruguayan unions march for rights and decent pay

4 November, 2015With banners, placards and T-shirts bearing the movement’s slogans, IndustriALL’s Uruguayan affiliates (UNTMRA, UOC and FOPCU) and other trade unions (SUNCA, SIMA, FOEMYA, SUA -AGUJA, SUTMA and SUTCRA) marched in defence of their labour rights, including decent pay, education and health and safety.