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Showing 171-180 of 190 results

IndustriALL's initial reaction to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision CP.21 and Paris Agreement

14 December, 2015The Paris Agreement, released on Saturday 12 December, has already been hailed by some as an historic achievement, and by others as a historic failure. These reactions do not help us to understand what it is, and what it is not.

COP21 and the Paris Agreement: A starting point, not a finish line

14 December, 2015The final version of the Paris Decision and Agreement was released Saturday 12 December at the end of COP21 – the twenty-first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The outcome is weak and imperfect in several areas, but may be the best that could be politically achieved at this moment, and may nevertheless mark a turning point for the planet.

IndustriALL COP21 blog

12 December, 2015IndustriALL Global Union's director of sustainability, Brian Kohler, reports from the crucial climate summit taking place in Paris...

Climate change requires Just Transition

24 November, 2015IndustriALL Global Union supports a strong worldwide agreement in the COP21 talks in Paris in order to manage climate change. But we need to take care of our workers. That means industrial transformation and just transition into a low-carbon society.

Coalminers demand stronger attention to their future

20 November, 201540 delegates from Australia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan and South Africa gathered at the headquarters of the IndustriALL German affiliate IG BCE in Hannover, Germany at the Global coal mining conference to discuss union responses to the challenges faced by workers and their unions in coal mining industry.

ILO adopts ‘Just Transition’ ahead of COP 21

11 November, 2015With weeks to go to the COP21, the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, France, one of the union movements’ demands has been pushed forward.

Facing up to the climate change

16 September, 2015Climate change threatens everything the labour movement stands for: fairness; social justice; decent work. Ahead of the upcoming 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Commission on Climate Change (COP21), global trade union leaders met in Paris to solidify their demands.

Climate change is union business

22 May, 2015Climate change is a difficult and urgent challenge. Either a Just Transition to a socially and environmentally sustainable economy is achieved; or there will be a last-minute scramble for water, fertile land, and other resources.

Why no mention of workers at Davos?

13 January, 2015As leaders from government and business prepare to descend on Davos for the World Economic Forum, working people are ignored in this year’s theme on the ‘new global context’. 

Lima climate talks a bitter disappointment

19 December, 2014There was a bitterly disappointing end to the 20th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP20) on 13 December in Lima, Peru. After two weeks of intensive negotiations, the ambition to hold temperature rises to 2C all but vanished and trade unions' demands for a Just Transition to a sustainable future were ignored.