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Showing 1681-1690 of 1745 results

IndustriALL-LabourStart-Amnesty International-PRODESC join forces for Mexican miners

8 November, 2012Under a joint banner of IndustriALL, LabourStart, Amnesty International, and Mexican NGO PRODESC, an online petition was launched yesterday decrying the forceful demolition of a workers’ protest camp at Excellon’s La Platosa mine, Mexico.

Finnish unions stand up for young workers

7 November, 2012Finnish trade union confederations and SASK reject proposals on cutting wages and salaries for young workers.

Gerdau Workers’ Network unites for rights in Colombia

2 November, 2012See the new campaign leaflet of the Gerdau Workers’ World Council, one of the most active worker networks of IndustriALL affiliates, taking united action to defend the rights of Gerdau workers in Colombia.

Another three die at Gadani shipyard

30 October, 2012On 20 October three workers died after a tank fell on them at the Gadani shipbreaking yard plot 91 in Pakistan.

Los Mineros challenge election results at PKC Mexico

25 October, 2012Los Mineros of Mexico achieved an impressive proportion of the workers’ ballot at Finnish auto parts multinational PKC, narrowly losing to protection union CTM after three months of vicious intimidation and threats in complicity with PKC management.

Korean workers stage protest against Hyundai

25 October, 2012Two workers climbed a pylon and remain there at the Hyundai Motor plant in Ulsan on 17 October protesting against the company’s failure to recognise the permanent status of employees even after a positive Supreme Court decision.

Union activist dismissed illegally in Russia

25 October, 2012Dmitry Khokhlov, an assembly line operator at Benteler, VW supplier in Kaluga, Russia, was dismissed illegally. Khokhlov is a deputy president of the ITUA local at the plant.

Georgian union regroups after a wave of repression

25 October, 2012Since August 2012, workers at Hercules Steel in Kutaisi, Georgia, have carried out a secret organizing campaign, and in October proposed the management to begin negotiations.

Dangerous crackdown on oil workers in Kazakhstan

25 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union sent a letter to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev, voicing concerns over the trial of 37 people in connection with 16 December 2011 events in Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan.

Workers invade streets in London

25 October, 2012150,000 people came to London on 20 October 2012 to participate in union-organized actions against austerity imposed by the government.