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Showing 161-170 of 253 results

Vietnam raises minimum wage 12.4%

10 September, 2015IndustriALL Global Union welcomes the latest minimum wage increase by Vietnam’s National Wage Council. Coming into effect on 1 January 2016 the 12.4 per cent raise continues the country’s road to a living wage.

Thousands of workers rally for new wage in Indonesia

3 September, 2015Around 35,000 workers took to the streets of Jakarta on 1 September to demand a new minimum wage for 2016 and improved labour laws. Indonesia’s main trade union centres, KSPI, KSPSI, and KSBSI are asking that the government increase their efforts to protect the interests of the people.

Industry bargaining for living wages

18 August, 2015As pressure is increasing on multinational corporations (MNCs) to account for violations of workers’ rights in their global supply chains, trade unions are identifying how MNCs’ own sourcing practices lead to these violations and developing new models of cooperation to change them. IndustriALL is working with major clothing brands in a process known as ACT to create a system that can increase wages in a sustainable and enforceable way.

IndustriALL in Myanmar

6 August, 2015For decades there were no functioning industrial relations in Myanmar, no trade unions and no collective bargaining. As the country is opening up and welcoming international business, trade unions are working hard to achieve a living wage for members.

IndustriALL Global Union keeps fighting back through active campaigns

23 July, 2015Attacks against fundamental rights are continuing and increasing all over the world. Governments and multinational companies use all dirty tactics to prevent workers from joining a union of their free choice and keep them away from our important tools collective bargaining and strikes.

Towards a South African National Minimum Wage

15 July, 2015This booklet is an accessible educational resource for trade unions on the important subject of a National Minimum Wage in South Africa and is a publication of the International Labour Office (ILO)

Thai unions campaign for minimum wage increase

14 July, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Thailand are campaigning alongside unions in all sectors to increase the national daily minimum wage from US$ 8.8 to US$ 10.6. Unions are also opposing a plan to return to a regional structure with minimum wage varying from between provinces.

Myanmar unions win first minimum wage

2 July, 2015Three years after unions were made legal in Myanmar, their fight for a minimum wage delivered a victory on 29 June. The country’s first-ever minimum wage of 3,600 kyatts per day is equal to US$3.2.

Rana Plaza victims’ compensation fund reaches US$30 million target

8 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union, two signatories to the Bangladesh Accord, welcome the news that the Rana Plaza Compensation Fund has finally reached its target.

Lesotho unions merge

3 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organising predominantly in Lesotho’s textile and garment sector merged on 31 May to form a new union, the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL).