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Showing 161-170 of 478 results

IndustriALL World Mechanical Engineering Conference builds union power

24 November, 2015Developing collective action to fight common challenges and build power, the leading trade unions from this diverse industry met at the IndustriALL Global Union World Conference for the Mechanical Engineering Sector.

Shame on Shell! Pakistani workers organize, management deploys troops

24 November, 2015When the labour authorities supported Shell Pakistan’s workers in their claim for a vote on whether they want a union, local management responded with heavy-handed security forces, outsourcing and punitive shift changes.

Coalminers demand stronger attention to their future

20 November, 201540 delegates from Australia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan and South Africa gathered at the headquarters of the IndustriALL German affiliate IG BCE in Hannover, Germany at the Global coal mining conference to discuss union responses to the challenges faced by workers and their unions in coal mining industry.

Strike win just first step for Rio Tinto contract workers

17 November, 2015Over 100 security guards for Rio Tinto in Madagascar have won a three week strike, a first step toward addressing poor working conditions for contactors at the mine.

Trade unions in Western Africa fight against precarious work

29 October, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from Togo, Senegal and Burkina Faso have managed to convert several hundreds of precarious workers into permanent workers.

Guard strike points to global problem at Rio Tinto

21 October, 2015A security guard strike at Rio Tinto’s mine in Madagascar points to a global problem: the company’s overreliance on and failure to take responsibility for precarious workers.

Trinidad and Tobago

13 October, 2015IndustriALL affiliates OWTU and SWUTT hosted a seminar on 7 October as part of campaign to STOP Precarious Work.

Workers at LafargeHolcim demand good, safe jobs

13 October, 2015On 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, unions at LafargeHolcim demanded that the construction materials giant stop using precarious labour and quit putting profits before workers’ lives.

Belarusian unions use rare chance to rally on 7 October

13 October, 2015For the first time in five years, unions in Belarus were allowed to conduct pickets on 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work.

IndustriALL flashmob for Decent Work

9 October, 2015On 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL organized the Planet for Decent Work Flashmob as part of the STOP Precarious Work global campaign.