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Showing 1551-1560 of 5751 results

Mine collapse kills more than 160 workers in Myanmar

3 July, 2020An accident in Hpakant, in Myanmar’s Kachin state, has claimed the lives of at least 162 mine workers, with dozens more feared dead, and injured 54.

Hyundai’s union busting in Germany

3 July, 2020At the end of June, a German union member defended his rights as a worker, trade unionist and member of the works council at the Hyundai research and development centre, at the regional labour court in Frankfurt, Germany.

Wage discrimination and corruption at Medis Dakar in Senegal

3 July, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Senegal, Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Industries Chimiques et Activités Assimilées du Sénégal (SYNTICS), and the Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Sénégal (CNTS) to which it also belongs, are condemning the wage discrimination and corruption at pharmaceutical company Medis Dakar.

Mining unions in solidarity to confront COVID-19

2 July, 2020“International solidarity is a must”, is a key strategy of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the mining and diamond, ornaments, and jewelry production (DGOJP) sector to confront the Covid-19 pandemic.

Union protests lockout at Nycil chemical plant in Nigeria

2 July, 2020When 163 workers at Nycil Nigeria reported for work on 29 June they found the gates locked. Since then the workers are picketing outside the company premises in Lagos and have been joined in solidarity by other workers in the area.

Turkish tyre workers win Goodyear contract

2 July, 2020Following contracts already signed with Bridgestone, Pirelli and Prometeon, IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate Lastik-İş (DİSK) reached a strong collective agreement with the US-based tyre company Goodyear, with matching terms and conditions, on behalf of around 2,000 members.

Energy unions tackle effects of Covid-19

2 July, 2020The global energy industry has been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic as it has slowed down transport, trade and economy. Energy workers are bearing the brunt of the crisis, and minimizing the impacts is central for the unions.

Facing challenges in the ICT, electrical and electronics sector

1 July, 2020The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a severe health and economic crisis, with rising unemployment levels around the world. Its impact on the ICT, electrical and electronics sectors was a central topic when the IndustriALL steering committee for the sector met in June.

Iranian court sentences workers to flogging, forced labour and prison

1 July, 2020The Arak criminal court has sentenced 42 workers from Azarab Industries to one year in prison, 74 lashes, and one month of forced labour.

Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector

1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.