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Showing 151-160 of 207 results

Kimberly Clark workers in Turkey on strike

27 June, 2014Around 230 members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Tümka-İş, the All Paper & Cellulose Industry Workers' Union, have gone on strike for better wages and working conditions.

IndustriALL shares pain in Soma on one-month anniversary of industrial homicide

25 June, 2014Key mining trade unions from around the world joined IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe in a solidarity mission to the Soma mine site in Turkey, one month on from the mass killing of 301 mineworkers in an avoidable industrial disaster.

Turkish glass workers striking for better pay

23 June, 2014Around 6,000 workers at Turkey’s biggest glass producer, Sisecam, went on strike at ten of the company’s factories after wage negotiations fell short of expectations.

Birlesik Metal-Is fights against union busting by M&T Reklam

12 June, 2014Workers at M&T Reklam, a major Turkish producer of advertising and point-of-sale displays, are fighting back against the mass sackings of union members in a series of pickets at two of the company’s plants.

Campaign for mine safety in Turkey targets precarious work

29 May, 2014Turkish unions have been vociferous in their campaign against illegal and irresponsible outsourcing and subcontracting in the country on the occasion of the Soma industrial homicide.

IF Metall congress shows support for workers around the world

22 May, 2014As Sweden is gearing up for EU elections in a few days and national elections in September, IndustriALL affiliate IF Metall took to their congress in Stockholm to discuss the labour market, salaries and social security. The Swedish union also called upon the Turkish government to take swift action against the mining tragedy in Soma.

IndustriALL on the offensive for Turkey mine safety

20 May, 2014The status quo must end in the global mining industry. The 301 miners murdered in Soma, Manisa, Turkey on 13 May would still be alive if the Turkish government and employers had put workers’ lives before profits. IndustriALL Global Union is taking action to push for urgent change to a dangerous industry.

Rising death toll turns mine accident in Turkey to carnage

14 May, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and its worldwide family mourn the deaths of hundreds of mineworkers in Soma, Manisa province in Western Turkey. As of the time of writing, 205 miners are dead and more than 80 are hospitalized. Rescue efforts continue to safeguard hundreds more miners trapped underground. Oxygen is still being pumped into the mine, however hopes are diminishing.

Crown campaign finds support in Italy and France

13 May, 2014The representatives of the USW Local 9176 members leading a heroic fight in Toronto, Canada against the food and beverage package producer multinational Crown Holdings rendered a visit of solidarity to their colleagues working for the company factories in Italy and France.

Unions speak out against Crown with field actions

28 April, 2014Following the announced series of protest actions scheduled across the globe in conjunction with the annual shareholders meeting of Crown Holdings, IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliates in North America and Europe continue to build resistance against Crown Holdings over bad corporate behaviours around the world.