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Showing 151-160 of 703 results

IndustriALL condemns violence in Colombia

6 May, 2021The people of Colombia are victims of police repression for demonstrating in the streets. Together with global union federations, IndustriALL rejects the armed violence against the country’s citizens, which has led to disappearances, arrests, injuries and deaths.

Workers at Petrobras Brazil condemn union busting

8 April, 2021In the face of union busting, Brazilian oil workers' union FUP is striking to protect workers' rights and is demanding safe and decent working conditions.

Myanmar miner Chan Myae Kyaw sacrifices his life for democracy

6 April, 2021In the early morning of 31 March 2021, thousands of workers and local people quietly gathered at Ywatha village, Salingyi township, Monywa to bid farewell to miner Chan Myae Kyaw.

Migrant Resource Centre protects migrant workers in Mauritius against exploitation

15 March, 2021When migrant workers are recruited to work in Mauritius, they are often told that they will earn lots of money by recruiting agents in their countries of origin that include India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and others. However, this is not the case.

Haiti: unions demand return to democracy

12 March, 2021Unions in Haiti, the most unequal country in Latin America, are demanding a return to democracy and an end to human rights violations and union repression.

Sintracarbón fights for 450 jobs at Cerrejón, Colombia

4 March, 2021Sintracarbón continues to fight for decent jobs and working conditions at Cerrejón, Colombia, while the company is putting pressure on 450 workers to accept voluntary retirement. If they don’t, the workers will be dismissed without just cause.

Pulp and paper workers in Latin America fight for collective bargaining

2 March, 2021Unions and federations from Latin America's pulp and paper industry have agreed to fight together to safeguard their rights to collective bargaining and health and safety in the workplace, and to strengthen company-wide union networks.

IndustriALL calls on the ILO and the EU to intervene in Belarus

2 March, 2021As the entire Belarusian independent union movement is under threat, a stronger involvement and intervention by the international community is urgently needed in Belarus.

What unions can do to put a stop to domestic violence

23 February, 2021PART 3: "Domestic violence and the role of trade unions explained". As unions we need a game plan to tackle domestic violence; here is how we can do it.

Recognizing domestic violence

23 February, 2021PART 2: "Domestic violence and the role of trade unions explained". We cannot fight domestic violence if we are not able to recognize it.