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Showing 1401-1410 of 5684 results

Employer sues Eswatini union for strike damages

15 September, 2020Taiwanese-owned FTM Garments is taking the Amalgamated Trade Unions of Swaziland (ATUSWA) to court over alleged loss of production for four days and damages to property following a picket two years ago. The union says the lawsuit is an attempt to weaken the union.

Fighting for workers’ rights in South East Asia

14 September, 2020Unions in South East Asia are planning ahead for defending workers’ rights through struggle and advocacy, institutionalizing safety and health concerns in collective agreements, and building capacity for women and youth.

Inadequate minimum wage increase hits workers hard

14 September, 2020In a blow against working families already fighting the pandemic, the Cambodian government has announced that 2021’s minimum wage is to be set at US$192. Unions had demanded an increase of US$12.35 from today’s minimum wage of US$190.

22 mineworkers killed in Pakistan

9 September, 2020A massive landslide killed 22 workers at the Ziarat marble mountain on 7 September, taking the total number of workers killed in Pakistani mines this year alone to at least 97.

South Asia unions prioritize social protection, health and workers’ rights

9 September, 2020In a series of meetings, IndustriALL’s South Asia affiliates described the devastating impact of Covid-19, health and safety challenges and renewed attacks on workers’ rights. Their response to overcome the crisis is universal social protection, defending workers’ rights and unity.

Union activists reinstated at Tanzila textile, Bangladesh

9 September, 2020IndustriALL affiliate BGTLWF has reached an agreement with Tanzila textile and the BGMEA to reinstate12 workers who were fired for participating in union activities.

Ukrainian miners protest underground

8 September, 2020393 miners at four mines belonging to the Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Plant are protesting underground, demanding a wage increase, better working conditions, and pension preferences due to difficult working conditions. Other demands include an end to workplace safety assessment violations, and that management, which is driving the company into a crisis, is dismissed.

Union takes Mauritian employer to court after migrant worker dies

8 September, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Confederation des Travailleurs Secteurs et Prive (CTSP), is taking Fairy Textile to the industrial court for violating workers’ rights to health and safety and “gross negligence” after the death of a migrant worker who was denied sick leave.

Sub Sahara Africa automotive sector: potential to boost manufacturing and create decent jobs

8 September, 2020Multinational vehicle manufacturers currently setting up production plants in Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and other countries, are a clear indicator that there is potential to boost manufacturing for the sector in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). With demand for vehicles slowing down in developed countries and growing in emerging economies, including SSA, there is an opportunity for the sector to grow to meet domestic demand.

South East Asia cement unions struggle for jobs and income at COVID-19 crisis

7 September, 2020Covid-19 has brought a lot of challenges for cement unions in South East Asia, including government attacks on workers’ rights, suspended trade union registrations, and increasing precarious employment conditions.