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Showing 141-150 of 315 results

SPECIAL REPORT: Why is mining still so dangerous?

20 May, 2019Despite labour regulations and the efforts of unions, mining accidents take the lives of thousands of workers every year around the world and seriously damage the environment. Why is mining still so dangerous?

3,000 jobs lost expose precarious working conditions in Zambia’s copper mines

16 May, 2019Glencore’s Mopani Copper Mine announced that it will close two shafts and retrench 600 permanent workers and a further 1,500 from contracted companies, and Zambian unions are angry.

27 coalminers killed in Pakistan so far in 2019

16 May, 2019At least 27 coal miners have been killed so far in 2019 in Pakistan mine accidents. Trade unions demand that the government immediately ratify ILO C 176 on safety and health in mines.

Botswana union challenges leader’s unfair dismissal

15 April, 2019The unfair dismissal of Goleba Botshome, the general secretary of the Botswana Diamond Workers Union (BDWU), by Pluczenik Diamonds exposes the gross human and workers’ rights violations that are rampant in the diamond sector in Botswana.

Organizing diamond mineworkers in Lesotho

11 April, 2019A union organizing team of ten travelled over 190 km from Maseru on 4 April — through winding, gravel tracks and a running river before reaching the Storm Mountain Diamond mine in Kao village, in the Butha-Buthe district of Lesotho. 

600 Burkinabe mineworkers who lost jobs after mine closure demand fair compensation

1 March, 2019600 workers from the former Societes Mines de Belahauro (SMB) are demanding fair compensation as required by the labour laws after the closure of Inata Mine in 2017.

Training advances collective bargaining skills in Ethiopia

1 March, 2019Collective bargaining is one of the critical skills for Ethiopian trade unions in the chemical, energy, and mining sectors, and the unions are equipping shop stewards through training on what strategies to use when they engage employers.

Glencore African union network opens dialogue with company

21 February, 2019At a meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa on 7-8 February, around 20 union representatives from three African countries met Glencore’s global and country human resources managers to begin discussions on employment-related issues.

Calls for safety standards in artisanal mining as Zimbabwe’s flooded gold mines claim 28 lives

21 February, 2019Eight artisanal miners were rescued last week while 28 died when Cricket and Silver Moon gold mines in Battlefields, 175km from Harare, flooded after heavy rains. More are missing and feared dead with heavy rains continuing to slow down rescue efforts.

IndustriALL and Rio Tinto set QIT Madagascar Minerals on the path to constructive social dialogue

18 February, 2019IndustriALL Global Union and Rio Tinto undertook a joint mission to resolve the troubled industrial relations climate at Rio Tinto’s QIT Madagascar Minerals.