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Showing 141-150 of 162 results

IndustriALL women take action on 7 October

18 October, 2013The Women's Committee of IndustriALL Indonesian Council, took action on 7 October to mark the World Day for Decent Work

Indonesian IndustriALL Council Creates Women's Committee

24 September, 2013On 22 September 2013 the IndustriALL Council created a women's committee in Jakarta. The women took the opportunity to plan their activity on 7 October where they intend to go to the Ministry of Manpower with a delegation of 100 women to demand decent work and to demand that more attention be paid to women's issues.

International premiere of “Working Class Heroes”

11 June, 2013FNV Mondiaal will screen the international premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, at the ILO on 13 June, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

Rio Tinto complicit in Grasberg mine accident

31 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is appalled at the deafening silence of Rio Tinto on the deadly Grasberg copper mine accident that has claimed the lives of 28 mine workers.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.

FNV trade union award goes to Said Iqbal

16 May, 2013This year’s FNV Febe Elizabeth Velasquez Award went to Indonesian trade union hero Said Iqbal. FNV Mondiaal will also screen the premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

Set Edi Iriawadi Free!

16 May, 2013Indonesian cement worker, Edi Iriawadi, was imprisoned after taking action to protect workers at Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa plant, which is part of the Heidelberg Cement Group, from intruders that entered the factory in September 2012. IndustriALL demands that Indonesian authorities and the company stop these violations.

Indonesian textile workers reach agreement with Adidas

25 April, 2013On 24 April 2013 Adidas and Indonesia Coordinating Committee of PT Kizone Workers and their union, DPC SPTSK-SPSI, announced an agreement potentially ending a 2 year long dispute.

Indonesian trade unionists jailed fighting precarious work

4 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Indonesian affiliate the FPE-SBSI is campaigning for the rights of outsourced contract workers at state-owned mine and energy companies PLN and Pertamina. In retaliation to the campaign workers have been sacked and even jailed.

Indonesian unions demonstrate their strength in unity

7 February, 2013One day after a massive rally in Jakarta, the leaders of 11 Indonesian unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union met and decided to create the IndustriALL Indonesia Council.