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Showing 141-150 of 162 results

The fight against outsourcing continues in Brazil

18 July, 2013In the current context of social mobilization in Brazil, affiliates continue actions against the adoption of a bill that advocates for a more flexible labour market. On 17 July, IndustriALL’s Brazilian affiliates met to further discuss the struggle to stop precarious work.

Brazilian working-class holds National Day of Struggle

4 July, 2013The trade union centres, including the CUT and Força Sindical, which have IndustriALL affiliates as member unions, believe the organised participation of the working class to be an essential component of the wave of social protest sweeping across Brazil. They are organising rallies, stoppages and strikes to take place on a National Day of Struggle on 11 July.

IndustriALL stands with mass Brazilian social uprising

26 June, 2013Over one million Brazilians have taken to the streets to demand social justice for all in the growing economy.

Strong mobilization of trade unions in Brazil against outsourcing

24 April, 2013IndustriALL affiliates are mobilizing against the adoption of a bill which advocates for a more flexible labour market against the rights of workers.

Anglo American workers disappear in Brazil

2 April, 2013The deadly accident occurred around midnight on Wednesday 27 March and involved a floating quay on the River Amazon that the company uses to load iron ore from the nearby Santana mine.

50,000 Brazilians march for labour rights

7 March, 2013The march organized by Brazil's trade union centres and social movements highlighted the need to strengthen the internal market in order to make progress on pay, employment and labour rights.

Ford Brazil fined for outsourcing

7 March, 2013Ford Brazil has been fined R$400 million (US$200 million) for illegal outsourcing at its Tatuí plant, in the interior of Sao Paulo state, where it has a development centre and a test track.

Gerdau workers demand safe work

21 February, 2013More than 600 workers stopped production at the Gerdau plant in São Leopoldo for more than 2 hours on 19 February, demanding action after a severe workplace injury occurred on 16 February.

ITUC-TUCA protest at Mexican consulate in São Paulo

21 February, 2013On 20 February, national and international trade unions demonstrated together at the Mexican Consulate in São Paulo.

Brazilian chemical workers win 39 hour week

13 February, 2013Workers in the chemical sector have won a major victory in negotiations with the German transnational company BASF. The agreement reduces the working week and puts an end to long and exhausting working days.