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Showing 141-150 of 359 results

Campaign to stop gender-based violence kicks off at South African factory

22 October, 2019Dozens of workers, community members, non-governmental organizations, police and other government departments, gathered at chemical manufacturer Johnson Matthey's (JM) factory in Germiston, Johannesburg, on 19 October, to campaign against gender-based violence and femicide, which has reached alarming levels in South Africa.

Global network of BHP workers launch campaign against outsourcing

14 October, 2019Workers at BHP operations in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru have planned a series of steps as part of a campaign to press the company to enter into meaningful dialogue with their unions at global level and to respect their rights.

African women rise for gender equality

11 October, 2019African women, rise! This was the slogan of the IndustriALL Global Union Sub Saharan Africa women's regional executive, which met on 10 October in in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brings together women union leaders from across the subcontinent.

Unions support government plan to stop gender-based violence in South Africa

20 September, 2019A woman is killed every three hours in South Africa, according to police statistics. The increasing levels of gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa mean that women are living in fear, and unions are supporting a government emergency plan to stop the violence. 

Agreement to end harassment at Nien Hsing factories, Lesotho

28 August, 2019A campaign by IndustriALL affiliate, the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL), to stop long-running gender-based violence at Nien Hsing Textile company factories has resulted in binding agreements to end the harassment, signed by unions, apparel brands and women’s rights organizations.

We did it! New ILO Convention on violence and harassment at work

21 June, 2019This is an historic moment. Today the centenary International Labour Conference voted overwhelmingly to adopt a new Convention and Recommendation to end violence and harassment in the world of work.

If you are unhappy resign, Ethiopian workers told

13 June, 2019It seems like work experience in Ethiopia’s growing textile and garment sector matters little for some employers.

Prohibiting violence and harassment in the world of work

11 June, 2019More than 800 million women have experienced some form of violence and harassment, ranging from physical assault to verbal abuse, bullying and intimidation.

Historic opportunity for an ILO Convention on violence at work

6 June, 2019The second and final discussion on an ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work begins next week at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva.

Unionist elected Member of Parliament in South Africa

3 June, 2019It is rare for garment workers to leave their factory machines and swop work clothes for the formal dressing of a country’s parliament. This is the story of a Durban garment worker who recently got elected to South Africa’s sixth parliament.