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Showing 141-150 of 471 results

Korean unions need your support!

10 July, 2017Korean unions achieved a breakthrough when President Park was ousted earlier this year, but as they continue to campaign for basic unions rights, global support is still needed.

Workers arrested after a protest at SiderPerú Gerdau

13 June, 2017Police in Peru arrested five workers from SiderPeru Gerdau for participating in a 24-hour strike and a protest against the company’s reluctance to engage in productive collective bargaining

Palestine and Israel: increased union cooperation and solidarity

29 May, 2017An IndustriALL mission to Palestine and Israel on 15 to 18 May, aimed to show support and solidarity with affiliates and to discuss cooperation.

Save Dave: Australian miner sacked after leading underwear protest

18 May, 2017CFMEU delegate Dave McLachlan was sacked after a shift of miners at Appin mine stripped down to their underwear in protest at the lack of work clothes.

Jailed Korean trade unionist Han Sang Gyun receives FNV award

11 May, 2017Han Sang Gyun, president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), was awarded the Febe Velasquez trade union rights award at the Congress of the Dutch trade union confederation the FNV.

IndustriALL shows solidarity with FESITEX workers

11 May, 2017IndustriALL Global Union expresses its solidarity with the Esfuerzo Democrático (Democratic Effort) union of SAE Tecnotex, which belongs to its affiliate in Nicaragua, the National Federation of Unions of the Textile, Garment, Leather and Footwear Industries (FESITEX), in its fight to reverse the sentences of 12 workers of that textile enterprise.   

IndustriALL Executive Committee – stronger together!

4 May, 2017Hard-won gains by unions are under attack around the world. During two days in Geneva, IndustriALL’s Executive Committee discussed union wins and challenges ahead, as well as the importance of fighting together for more power.

Ongoing strike at Fletcher Insulation, Australia

4 May, 2017The strike at Fletcher Insulation Australia’s Dandenong site in Victoria has now reached over 70 days, and is continuing.

Two thousand miners at Southern Peru Copper on indefinite strike

13 April, 2017Miners at Southern Copper Corporation in Peru are on indefinite strike in support of demands for a bigger share of profits, improvements in medical services, an end to company spying on workers and the reinstatement of dismissed workers.

Ericsson unions convene to global meeting

7 April, 2017On 5-6 April, trade unions representing employees of the Swedish multinational company Ericsson gathered in Djurö, Sweden, for the second meeting of the Ericsson Global Trade Union Network.