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Showing 1371-1380 of 5749 results

Kyrgyzstan must abandon anti-union draft law

23 November, 2020On 18 November, Kyrgyz unions protested against a draft law on trade unions that, if adopted, would deprive workers of the freedom of association.

IndustriALL’s Executive Committee calls for solidarity and unity

20 November, 2020Union responses to the Covid-19 pandemic was on the agenda when the Executive Committee met online on 19 November. The corona crisis is again showing how vulnerable global supply chains are; consequences for workers, especially at the bottom of the supply chain, are dire and dramatic. But unions around the world are showing they can fight back and win.

Developing a global trade union battery supply chain strategy

20 November, 2020Battery production will be one of the fastest growing industrial activities in the years to come. Due diligence and opportunities for organizing along the complex supply chain were discussed at a webinar bringing together unions, experts as well as industrial directors.

Union federations create IndustriALL Brazil

19 November, 2020Union federations CUT and Força Sindical have joined forces to create IndustriALL Brazil, bringing together 10 million workers from different manufacturing sectors.

Unions in Ghana push African industrialization agenda

19 November, 2020Some of the strategies to boost manufacturing that will push Africa’s industrialization efforts is to develop and implement sustainable economic development policies, concluded IndustriALL Global Union affiliates at a conference on African industrialization in Accra.

French unions unite to defend the future of energy

19 November, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s French energy sector affiliates will come together for a day of action on 26 November 2020 to oppose policies that threaten the future of their sector, and the restructuring plans of the multinational companies EDF and ENGIE. 

VALTER SANCHES: Welcome to Global Worker

19 November, 2020We have lived with Covid-19 since the beginning of this year. Variations of global lockdowns in the first and now second wave have been tough, and workers around the world have been severely affected. The world totals 56 million infected and 1.3 million deaths, bringing us all the challenge of a lifetime

PROFILE: Struggle for democracy in Belarus

18 November, 2020In the last three months, Belarus has become known for the protests that started when the former president of the country, Alexandre Lukashenko, awarded himself 80 per cent of the votes in a widely contested election. Unprovoked police violence followed the rigged elections, triggering the protests.

Nationwide demonstrations against regressive labour law in Korea

18 November, 2020Tens of thousands of workers demonstrated across South Korea on 14 November, calling on the MOON Jae-in government to withdraw a regressive labour law revision and enact the “CHUN, Tae-il Act”, as workers commemorate the 50th year since the self-immolation of Korean labour martyr CHUN, Tae-il.

Action needed on Uyghur slave labour

18 November, 2020The Chinese government continues to hold members of the Uyghur minority group in forced labour camps. Goods produced by these enslaved workers – particularly cotton – are entering global supply chains.