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Showing 1311-1320 of 1745 results

NUM fighting back on retrenchments at Kumba Iron Ore

23 July, 2015The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has succeeded in getting Kumba Iron Ore to retract offers made individually to workers.

IndustriALL Global Union keeps fighting back through active campaigns

23 July, 2015Attacks against fundamental rights are continuing and increasing all over the world. Governments and multinational companies use all dirty tactics to prevent workers from joining a union of their free choice and keep them away from our important tools collective bargaining and strikes.

A decisive week for Glencore workers in Peru

21 July, 2015Two unions affiliated to the FNTMMSRP (National Miners’ Federation of Peru), which is in turn affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, face a decisive week in Peru. SUTRACOMASA (Union of Antamina Workers) will begin talks with Antamina on 21 July and SITRAMINA will meet representatives of Antapaccay S.A on 24 July to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. Both companies are partly owned  by Glencore.

Fatality at Gerdau plant in Uruguay

21 July, 2015Nery Alvarez was killed in a workplace accident at the Gerdau-Laisa steel plant in Uruguay on 14 July. IndustriALL Global Union extends its sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Uruguay: trade union centre announces 24-hour general strike

15 July, 2015Uruguayan trade union centre PIT-CNT has announced an action plan including a 24-hour general strike on 6 August, and also demanding changes to pay guidelines, respect for collective bargaining and a bigger education budget.

Mexico: change is in the air

15 July, 2015 At a forum on the ILO recommendations to the government of Mexico held in Mexico City in early July, participants were reminded that, while slow, international mechanisms do help strengthen the hand of unions at the national level.

Madagascar workers fighting back against Sherritt

14 July, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates and independent unions in Madagascar are hitting back against Canadian mining and energy multinational Sherritt, which they accuse of violating trade union rights and breaching national legislation. 

India: fighting precarious work in the cement industry

8 July, 2015On 1 July a rally was organized by IndustriALL Global Union affiliate “Pragatisheel Cement Shramik Sangh” (Progressive Cement Workers Union) or PCSS for the redeployment and rehabilitation of more than 1000 cement workers in India.

Kyrgyzstan: Flash mob protest against slave labour code

3 July, 2015A flash mob of around 50 union activists stood in silence in front the Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan on 2 July brandishing posters declaring: “I am against the Slave Labour Code”.

Unions mount pressure on LafargeHolcim

1 July, 2015Unions from all over the world launch a series of actions to combat LafargeHolcim’s resistance and make them start a genuine dialogue with workers and their representatives. Sign the online petition to support LafargeHolcim workers fighting for their rights.