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Showing 1301-1310 of 1745 results

Sherritt – show us the evidence for lay-offs

27 August, 2015Two months after 900 mine workers at Sherritt’s multibillion-dollar nickel operation in Madagascar were laid off, the company has refused to provide evidence that the retrenchments were financially necessary.

Ansell faces Aussie protests against treatment of Sri Lankan workers

25 August, 2015Unionists from the textile, manufacturing and construction sectors in Australia descended on the Melbourne-headquarters of condom and glove manufacturer Ansell today to demand better treatment of workers in Sri Lanka.

VW workers declare indefinite strike against redundancies at Taubaté plant in Brazil

24 August, 2015On 17 August, Volkswagen announced that 100 workers are to lose their jobs at its plant in Taubaté, Brazil. Workers have responded by declaring an indefinite strike. IndustriALL Global Union offers its support and solidarity to the workers and calls on the company to negotiate in order to avoid an unwanted dispute.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

Colombian unions take action to recruit outsourced workers

17 August, 2015The Colombian trade unions Sintracarbón and USO have been successful in recruiting new members among outsourced workers, as they explained at a recent seminar on how to fight outsourcing, held on 28-29 July 2015 in Bogota.

Female mine workers – colleagues not sex objects

13 August, 2015Women working in South African mines are subject to sexual harassment and abuse from male colleagues, says Phumeza Mgengo from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).

IndustriALL in solidarity with Arauco workers in Argentina

13 August, 2015Following dismissals and arrests at the hands of Arauco Argentina, workers from the SOEP trade union are demanding the reinstatement of their colleagues and better working conditions. IndustriALL Global Union supports the fight for their rights. 

IndustriALL in solidarity with SITRAMINA members in Peru

6 August, 2015Trade union representatives met with copper company Antapaccay S.A management on 24 July in Lima to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. The union is demanding Antapaccay to respect union rights and the freedom of association, but the meeting ended without any significant progress.

We demand clean elections!

29 July, 2015Legal action concerning the four-year old dispute over collective bargaining rights at Honda’s plant in Mexico has still not been resolved and the company continues with its anti-trade union policy, which includes victimizing union members.

FUP prepares September strike in defence of Petrobras

29 July, 2015After the 24-hour strike on 24 July, members of the main oil industry union in Brazil, FUP/CUT, are preparing another strike in September in defence of Petrobras.