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Showing 131-140 of 297 results

Workers in Argentina face lay-offs

8 February, 2016Workers in both the public and private sectors in Argentina are facing lay-offs and dismissals. IndustriALL Global Union rejects these measures and urges President Mauricio Macri’s government to promote social dialogue and respect workers’ rights.

Georgian glass factory workers on strike

5 February, 2016Workers at the Ksani glass container factory went on strike on 5 February, after management continued to neglect union demands to sign a collective agreement and increase wages.

3 million strike in Indonesia for a living wage

10 December, 2015Some 3 million workers participated in peaceful demonstrations and actions organized by unions in Indonesia on 24 – 27 November. Yet again the police responded with violence and detained a number of union activists.

FUP calls historic national strike in defence of Petrobras

13 November, 2015Oil workers in Brazil are on the thirteenth day of the biggest strike at Petrobras in decades. They want to prevent privatisation, stop the company’s divestment plan, fight for national sovereignty and put pressure on the company to recognise workers’ demands.

Uruguayan unions march for rights and decent pay

4 November, 2015With banners, placards and T-shirts bearing the movement’s slogans, IndustriALL’s Uruguayan affiliates (UNTMRA, UOC and FOPCU) and other trade unions (SUNCA, SIMA, FOEMYA, SUA -AGUJA, SUTMA and SUTCRA) marched in defence of their labour rights, including decent pay, education and health and safety.

SME victory after a six-year campaign

29 October, 2015The Mexican Electrical Workers’ Union (SME) has won an important victory: after six years of struggle, resistance and negotiations, it has signed an agreement with the federal government that gives it control over a number of electricity generating plants. This will mean new jobs for thousands of workers who have been unemployed since 2009.

Numsa strikes on steel

27 October, 2015On 14 October, thousands of Numsa members as well as workers from other sectors and community members marched together in Johannesburg against corruption and in support of jobs.

Cambodian unions consider strike action

9 October, 2015Independent garment unions in Cambodia will meet on 12 October to consider strike action after being let down by minimum wage negotiations which settled on US$140 a month for 2016.

Finland - demonstrations to counter government attack on collective bargaining

15 September, 2015Three Finnish confederations of workers, SAK, STTK and AKAVA, have decided to organize a mass demonstration on 18 September to protest against measures proposed by the Finnish government.

Millions of workers strike in India

3 September, 2015Millions of workers from all sectors joined India’s largest strike on 2 September. Demonstrators were protesting against proposed labour reforms which will in practice make it easier to fire workers.