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Showing 131-140 of 295 results

Bangladesh: union signs collective agreement with Donglian Fashion in major turnaround

23 January, 2017**UPDATED**The Donglian Fashion Sommilito Sramik Union has signed a collective agreement with the company, setting an important precedent.

Italian metalworkers reach a new national collective agreement

2 December, 2016On 26 November, after 13 months of negotiations and a 20-hour strike, a new provisional national collective agreement has been reached between IndustriALL affiliates FIOM-CGIL, FIM-CISL and UILM-UIL and the employers’ associations Federmeccanica / Assistal, thus ending an era of separate agreements.

Strong collective agreement signed at Georgia metal plant

16 November, 2016A new three year collective agreement has been signed at Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant in Georgia, thanks to the efforts of an IndustriALL affiliate. The agreement contains 70 points and pays great attention to occupational health and safety, and the protection of union rights.

To be or not to be for a new collective agreement at Volkswagen

9 November, 2016Members of IndustriALL affiliate Interregional Trade Union Workers Association (ITUWA) at the Volkswagen plant in Kaluga, Russia, are fighting for a new collective agreement.

Labour rights are human rights: UN report

20 October, 2016A powerful new UN report on freedom of assembly criticizes the “artificial distinction” between labour and human rights.

Peru mine workers go on indefinite strike

23 September, 2016Workers at Shougang Hierro Peru mining company have begun an indefinite general strike. They are striking for a decent pay increase and against attacks on workers, as well as demanding better health and safety in the mines.

200,000 Argentinean workers march against dismissals and price hikes

7 September, 2016Expressing their opposition to dismissals and huge price rises during three days of protests, 200,000 workers took to the streets in a nationwide march on 2 September.

Uruguay: paper union seeks to negotiate the rehiring of 270 workers

24 August, 2016Ninety percent of the workers of the National Paper Factory in Colonia, Uruguay, have been laid off due to the factory’s economic difficulties. FOPCU, an IndustriALL affiliate, is negotiating their rehiring with the company and the ministry of labour.

IndustriALL in solidarity with 40,000 striking Verizon workers

4 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union has expressed its solidarity with around 40,000 Verizon communications workers in the United States that have been on strike since 13 April.

Jyrki Raina visits Chile to support affiliates

17 March, 2016Jyrki Raina, IndustriALL General Secretary, spoke at a press conference at the Santiago offices of the Chilean trade union centre, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores  (CUT), on 14 March to express support for IndustriALL affiliates and their campaign for labour reform.