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Showing 131-140 of 315 results

Global network of BHP workers launch campaign against outsourcing

14 October, 2019Workers at BHP operations in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru have planned a series of steps as part of a campaign to press the company to enter into meaningful dialogue with their unions at global level and to respect their rights.

African miners say mineral wealth must benefit continent

9 October, 2019This was the message of delegates to the Sub Saharan Africa mining summit, which met on 8 October in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brought together about 150 union delegates and industry experts from across the continent.

Indian coal miners strike against privatization of mines

25 September, 2019Five Indian unions representing 500,000 miners at Coal India Limited (CIL) and Singareni collieries took strike action on 24 September, leading to a complete halt in coal production and dispatch.

Four coal miners dead and nine injured in a Coal India accident

31 July, 2019On the night shift at the Bharatpur open cast mine, at around 11.30pm on 23 July, a controlled explosion triggered a landslide trapping 13 coal miners. 

Australian unions committed to campaign against BHP

5 July, 2019In response to BHP’s strategy to drive down wages and conditions of employment in the mining industry, IndustriALL Global Union’s Australian affiliates confirmed their full commitment and support to the campaign against the world’s largest miner.

Calls for sustainable mining after 43 artisanal miners killed in DRC landslide

4 July, 2019The death of 43 artisanal miners at a Glencore-owned Kamoto Copper Company mine in Kolwezi, Lualaba Province, highlights the vulnerable situation of artisanal miners in Sub Saharan Africa.

Mining unions work together to organize in Tanzania

4 July, 2019Effective organizing in the mining sector requires convincing workers that the union can improve working conditions, negotiate collective bargaining agreements, and build strategies to counter precarious work.

Argentina – historic march to victory in Glencore mine

1 July, 2019After an historical march in San Salvador de Jujuy, over 600 workers from Glencore’s El Aguilar mine won improvements in working conditions and an effective safety plan to prevent new accidents in the workplace.

From union congress resolution to new law in Albania

1 July, 2019At its congress in 2017, IndustriALL Albanian affiliate SPMSH passed a resolution calling for an increase in pensions for underground workers, to bring them into line with those received by the military. Earlier this month, the resolution became national law.

Tackling mine safety in Vietnam and Mongolia

11 June, 2019IndustriALL is working with unions, employers and governments in Vietnam and Mongolia to promote mine safety using ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.