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Showing 131-140 of 432 results

Africa energy network demands Just Transition

25 March, 2019The Sub Saharan Africa Energy Network is demanding that governments and multinational companies must develop plans to deal with the impact of the transition to renewable energy without sacrificing jobs or creating precarious working conditions. 

Shell worker abuses in Nigeria taken to UN Human Rights Council

15 March, 2019Royal Dutch Shell violations against contract workers in Nigeria came under scrutiny today at the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Training advances collective bargaining skills in Ethiopia

1 March, 2019Collective bargaining is one of the critical skills for Ethiopian trade unions in the chemical, energy, and mining sectors, and the unions are equipping shop stewards through training on what strategies to use when they engage employers.

South African unions oppose plans to privatize power utility Eskom

11 February, 2019Unions are rejecting a proposal to dismantle the state-owned power utility Eskom made by the President Cyril Ramaphosa during the State of the Nation address on 8 February, saying this will cause job losses and retrenchments that will affect over 100,000 workers.

Ecopetrol unfairly dismisses union leaders in Colombia

24 January, 2019Colombia's state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol, has unfairly dismissed Enrique Rodríguez, Joaquín Padilla and Wilmer Hernández, leaders of Colombian oil workers’ union, USO, which is affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union. 

Middle East and North Africa electricity unions develop action strategy

15 January, 2019A network meeting of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) electricity sector was held in Amman, Jordan, on 17-18 December 2018.

National Grid lockout ends with new 6-year contract

8 January, 2019Some 1,250 workers at National Grid in Massachusetts, USA, will be returning to work under a new 6-year contract, ending a lockout lasting more than six months. 

Trade unionists in Algeria arrested at protest

7 January, 2019Trade union leaders and members of three independent unions in Algeria were arrested and detained for several hours during protest in central Algiers on 27 December.

Mexican activists plan an exchange platform for energy transition

14 December, 2018Nineteen representatives of independent trade unions and social movements in Mexico related to wind power and hydroelectric industries met on 3 December and agreed to create an exchange energy platform.

Shell’s hidden shame - Contract workers on the poverty line in Nigeria

5 December, 2018Oscar Tamuno*, a driver for major Shell contractor, Plantgeria, has not had a wage increase in eight years. After paying taxes, pension contributions and union dues, he takes home 94,000 naira a month (US$258) working a 12-hour day, six days a week. And yet, Oscar is better off than many of his co-workers.* Not his real name.