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Showing 131-140 of 478 results

World Day for Decent Work: Women mobilize for maternity protection

10 October, 2016On World Day for Decent Work on 7 October, women workers joined IndustriALL’s simultaneous mobilizations in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand to fight against precarious work. 

7 October in Myanmar

10 October, 2016IndustriALL affiliates in Myanmar held an orientation on maternity protection.

STOP Precarious work manifestation in Pakistan

10 October, 2016IndustriALL affiliate Pakistan National Textile Leather Garment & General Federation conducted a rally in Mumtazabad Multan, demanding that the government remove precarious work in all sectors and reform the labour law.The National Trade Union Federation and Home Based Women Workers Federation also protesed against industrial accidents and third party contract systems.The Pakistan Textile Workers Federation organized a rally in Faisalabad calling for an end to precarious work.

Survey reveals abusive use of precarious work at Shell

27 September, 2016A survey on the use of precarious work at Shell highlights violations of workers’ rights by the company.

Garment workers in Tamil Nadu, India, win minimum wage hike

18 August, 2016The Madras High Court verdict on 15 July upholding the Tamil Nadu governments’ order to increase minimum wages for garment workers by 64 per cent is a big victory. However, workers need strong unions in order to implement the wage hike.

CUT and Força Sindical act together to defend workers’ rights in Brazil

17 August, 2016Brazil’s five trade union centres, including the CUT and Força Sindical, joined forces on 16 August in pursuit of a common goal: defend workers' rights.

Workers recount impact of outsourcing in Brazil

27 July, 2016An IndustriALL Global Union study of precarious workers in Brazil has highlighted the financial, psychological and physical costs of outsourcing on workers’ lives and families, in a country where outsourced workers represent 27 per cent (around 13 million) of the workforce in the formal sector.

From contract to permanent employment – fighting for workers in the supply chain

23 June, 2016Indonesian pulp and paper union FSP2KI has successfully reinstated dismissed contract workers, as well as turning them into directly employed permanent employees.

IndustriALL’s Global Worker is out now

26 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union’s seventh edition of Global Worker is out and includes a new set of profiles, reports and interviews from a workers’ perspective.

SPECIAL REPORT: Four years of IndustrIALL action to STOP Precarious Work

24 May, 2016Since it’s founding in 2012, action against precarious work has been at the top of IndustriALL’s policy and campaign agenda. After four years of organizing, bargaining, campaigning and fighting legislation by IndustriALL affiliates across the globe, the occasion of IndustriALL’s second Congress is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and refocus on the struggles still to come.