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Showing 1231-1240 of 1745 results

Ukrainian coal miners demand industry support

18 March, 2016Around 500 coal miners from all over Ukraine gathered in Kiev on 17 March and picketed the parliament building demanding it adopt two draft laws to settle some pressing socio-economical issues of the Ukrainian coal mining industry. 

Jyrki Raina visits Chile to support affiliates

17 March, 2016Jyrki Raina, IndustriALL General Secretary, spoke at a press conference at the Santiago offices of the Chilean trade union centre, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores  (CUT), on 14 March to express support for IndustriALL affiliates and their campaign for labour reform.

Chevron sacks Bangladeshi workers by text message as part of union-busting

16 March, 2016Multinational energy giant Chevron has sacked workers by text message in an ongoing case of intimidation aimed at discouraging union organizing.

Great victory for Los Mineros at ArcelorMittal

15 March, 2016The Mexican Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union (SNTMMSRM), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union and better known as Los Mineros, has won a major victory. After a week on strike, it has reached an agreement with ArcelorMittal and found a solution to recent dismissals. 

Court recognizes illegal dismissal of union leader in Kyrgyzstan

10 March, 2016At Jaiyl district court has judged illegal the dismissal of Zhanaydar Ahmetov, chairman of the local branch of IndustriALL affiliate, the Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK) at Zhongda, a Chinese-owned oil company operating in Kyrgyzstan.

3,500 Mexican workers strike against Arcelor Mittal

10 March, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Mexican Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union also known as ‘Los Mineros’, has launched a strike against Arcelor Mittal at its steel plant in Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán in western Mexico. 

Honda India workers face police violence in struggle for union rights

4 March, 2016Workers at the Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India plant at Tapukara are facing severe repression for demanding trade union rights and regular contracts for precarious workers.

Canadian unions campaign for anti-scab law

3 March, 2016Canadian unions, including IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW), have welcomed national legislation tabled by the New Democratic Party (NDP) to stop replacement labour in industrial disputes.

Colombia: IndustriALL backs Sintracarbon’s fight for a fair deal

3 March, 2016A sector in crisis should promote dialogue and cooperation instead of using the crisis as a pretext to get rid of acquired rights. This is IndustriALL Global Union’s message to Cerrejon, on the eve of a strike vote provoked by the company’s refusal to negotiate a collective agreement.

Ivory Coast: oil workers’ union in clash with Petroci

2 March, 2016SYNTEPCI, an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Ivory Coast, is fighting to secure legal rights for 48 workers laid off by state-owned oil company Petroci.