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Showing 121-130 of 162 results

Indonesia: another four workers killed at Freeport, Rio Tinto Grasberg mine

2 October, 2014IndustriALL Global Union condemns Freeport McMoRan and Rio Tinto for the loss of yet another four innocent lives.

Women form a subregional network to promote ratification of ILO Convention 183

16 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union organized a subregional workshop on maternity protection in Manila, Philippines on 11 and 12 September 2014. The workshop was attended by some 30 women from the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia. The point was to find common ground to pursue the ratification of ILO Convention 183 on maternity protection in the different countries. Ultimately the women created a network and vowed to keep pushing for ratification.

Peaceful Indonesian packaging workers smashed by police

13 July, 2014Indonesian food packaging company PT Indofood CKA contracted Indonesia’s elite riot police “Brimob” to violently attack their own workers on 2 July in response to their peaceful efforts towards collective bargaining through the FSPMI union.

Indonesian cement workers to benefit from OECD settlement

26 May, 2014Indonesian cement workers can look to better future at Indocement/HeidelbergCement after a complaint to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been settled.

PROFILE: The struggle continues

21 May, 2014Charismatic Indonesian trade union leader Said Iqbal is the epitome of the dynamism his trade union confederation, the KSPI, has shown in the last few years. Faced with problems such as outsourcing and a minimum wage that is too low, Said Iqbal is committed to fight for change.

Oil services giant Schlumberger abusing agency workers in Indonesia

7 May, 2014The local subsidiary of US – headquartered Schlumberger is using a labour agency to avoid the trade union and pay workers lower benefits in Indonesia. Workers are mounting a fight back with the help of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, FSP KEP-KSPI.

Indonesia: 363 workers suspended for demanding an end to precarious contracts

30 April, 2014At the World Energy Conference IndustriALL Global Union affiliates adopted a resolution to push for the reinstatement of 363 precarious workers into permanent employment at the Indonesian state owned company Pertamina in Aceh.

IndustriALL Indonesian Council intensifies organizing and campaigning for a better future

25 March, 2014On 10-11 March, 2014 IndustriALL Indonesian Council members gathered at the National Unity Meeting held in Jakarta. 24 union leaders consisting of 9 women and 15 men representing 11 national federations from mining, oil and gas, to manufacturing sectors, discussed labour situations and organizing strategy, the national laws and maternity protection campaign.

Grasberg - deadly accident in Rio Tinto mine could have been prevented

19 March, 2014The roof collapse resulting in 28 deaths in the Grasberg mine in Indonesia in 2013 could have been avoided, according to the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission.

Indonesian paper workers striking for fair wages and rights

4 March, 2014IndustriALL’s Indonesian affiliate FSP2KI leads the struggle against Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) after the company illegally broke off collective bargaining talks and called in the local army and police to intimidate workers against supporting the union in West Java.