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Showing 121-130 of 207 results

Mulberry must act now at Turkish supplier

9 July, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is calling on luxury goods brand, Mulberry, to intervene at an escalating labour dispute at its Turkish supplier, SF Leather. Sign the LabourStart campaign and write to both companies.

IndustriALL backs metalworkers’ struggle in Turkey

28 May, 2015Widespread strong labour unrest in large auto and supplier factories in several cities of Turkey, particularly in Bursa, known as the capital of the auto industry, brings significant gains and commitments from employers for workers.

Turkish women form trade union platform network

22 May, 2015IndustriALL organized a meeting on 7 May in Istanbul to create a women’s trade union platform network. The meeting was supported by FES and attended by about 25 women from Celik-Is, Tes-Is, Teksif, Oy Iplik-Is, Disk/Tekstil, Deriteks, Birlesik Metal-Is and Petrol-Is.

IndustriALL’s new issue of Global Worker out now

19 May, 2015IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out now with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.

FEATURE: Putting profits over people, Turkey’s treacherous mining industry

18 May, 2015One year ago, the industrial homicide at Soma claimed the lives of 301 Turkish coal miners.The explosion and fire were only the visible, immediate causes of their deaths. What really killed them were greed, apathy, incompetence and corruption – the ingredients that trigger most mine disasters.

Turkey: Metal strike ban still in place

2 April, 2015As the 60-day postponement period following a Cabinet Decree to ban the metal industry strike ends, the fundamental right to strike is still far from reality in Turkey. 

Egger Group continues union busting at its Turkish plant

12 March, 2015The Turkish subsidiary of Austrian-based building materials company, Egger Group, is continuing its union busting tactics and dismissals at its Roma Plastik plant in Gebze. 

Roche called on to end supplier violations in Turkey at AGM

5 March, 2015Still campaigning for justice and respect for workers at Roche’s partner Deva in Turkey, IndustriALL Global Union, Petrol-Is, and Unia mobilized at the Roche AGM on 3 March. 

Suffering of Soma survivors continues

19 February, 20152,800 Turkish miners who lost their jobs at Soma have been denied severance pay by the mine’s operator. It follows the deaths of 301 miners at the mine last year.

Global fight for workers’ rights continues at Crown Holdings

5 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union stands firm with Crown workers all over the world fighting for their rights against the unscrupulous US-based multinational packaging producer.