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Showing 1161-1170 of 1745 results

EU must address Sri Lanka’s labour violations before granting trade preferences, says IndustriALL

2 December, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are calling on the European Union to adopt a roadmap to improve labour rights in Sri Lanka before the country can benefit from preferential access to European markets.

Massive global support for #KoreaGeneralStrike

1 December, 2016Global support for the general strike in Korea shows trade union solidarity reaches far and wide. Korean unions are under heavy attack from the government and unions and workers around the world have responded in force.

IndustriALL and global unions rally in support of Korea general strike

30 November, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, BWI, IUF, PSI and Uni Global Union joined forces today in a rally in Geneva, calling for an end to the Korean government’s attack on unions and labour rights. The manifestation was a show of support for the hundreds of thousands of Korean workers who are striking today, 30 November.

Brazilian unions defend their rights and national industry

29 November, 2016On 25 November, trade union centres in Brazil again took to the streets in a national day of action in defence of labour and social rights. Protests were held at company gates and factory workers stopped work for at least one hour.

Global unions to rally in support of Korean general strike

28 November, 2016Global unions representing tens of millions of workers will rally in support of the general strike in South Korea, starting at Place des Nations, Geneva on 30 November.

Volkswagen: job security until 2025 despite cuts

25 November, 2016After negotiations between Volkswagen (VW) management and the VW Works Council, the world's biggest car manufacturer has announced it will cut 30,000 jobs by 2025, but without any dismissals.

Wave of support as Korean workers prepare for general strike

24 November, 2016Global days of action in support of the general strike in Korea, on 30 November, continue around the world. IndustriALL Global Union affiliates are taking action in a collective effort to show the world that they will not accept the increasing attacks on workers’ rights in South Korea.

Sacked Schneider Electric workers in Pakistan demand reinstatement

23 November, 2016When 17 workers at Schneider Electric in Pakistan asked for increased wages the French company responded by dismissing them. IndustriALL affiliate NTUF is demanding immediate reinstatement of the sacked workers.

Belarusian unions oppose law calling unemployed "social parasites"

16 November, 2016The government of Belarus has passed an unjust law that taxes people for unemployment and accuses them of being parasites. Two IndustriALL Global Union affiliates have joined the fight to have it repealed.

Turkey: Fired for wanting to form a union

16 November, 2016Seven workers were dismissed on 13 November after trying to form a union at Günsan Elektrik, owned by Schneider Electric, in Turkey.