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Showing 1151-1160 of 5749 results

National strike committee calls for more protests in Colombia

3 June, 2021A month after protests began in Colombia, the national strike comittee is calling for fresh demonstrations after the government refused to sign a preliminary agreement guaranteeing peaceful protests.

Court rules Shell must cut greenhouse gas emissions

2 June, 2021As the oil giant is not fulfilling its duty of care in combatting climate change, a Dutch court has ruled that Shell must speed up cutting carbon emissions by 45 per cent by 2030, compared to 2019 levels. Announced on 26 May, the verdict not only applies to Shell, but also to its suppliers and customers. 

The fatally hazardous environment in Pakistan’s largely unregulated coal mines

31 May, 2021With the government reluctant to ratify ILO C176, Pakistan’s miners are condemned to work in death traps.

3-month extension to Bangladesh Transition Accord achieved

31 May, 2021Global unions and international fashion brands agree to a three-month extension of the commitments of the 2018 Transition Accord to allow negotiations to continue.

Kyrgyzstan: controversial trade union law vetoed

28 May, 2021The law on trade unions that would seriously undermine freedom of association in Kyrgyzstan and deprive unions of their independence was vetoed by the President on 27 May.

Women miners confronting gender inequality together

28 May, 2021Confronting gender inequality and promoting a transformative agenda for women in the mining industry are some of the issues discussed at the IndustriALL’s first global network meeting for women in mining, which brought together 100 participants, mainly women miners, from 16 countries.

Pharmaceutical unions support universal access to COVID-19 vaccines

26 May, 2021The IndustriALL Global Pharmaceutical Unions Network sends a clear message: We are ready to produce, we want to contribute to the effort against the pandemic, in the spirit of solidarity.

CIS unions demand improved health and safety in mines

25 May, 2021When 60 participants from ten mining unions in seven CIS countries met on 20 May, the need for ratification and proper implementation of ILO Convention 176 on health and safety in mines was discussed.

Philippine pharmaceutical unions form tripartite social dialogue mechanism

25 May, 2021Unions in the Philippines’ pharmaceutical industry have successfully lobbied the government to set up a tripartite social dialogue mechanism to address various issues in the industry.

Union busting, tax avoidance, corruption: International trade unions sharply criticize Fresenius ahead of annual general meeting

20 May, 2021Trade unionists from around the world condemn poor working conditions at Fresenius and its international subsidiaries. The German DAX 30 company has long been in the spotlight for tax evasion and corruption.