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Showing 1151-1160 of 1745 results

Kazakh authorities dissolve trade union center

12 January, 2017IndustriALL Global Union expresses its outrage  over the dissolution of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KNPRK).

Crackdown on garment workers in Bangladesh must stop

5 January, 2017IndustriALL Global Union is calling for an immediate end to the persecution of garment workers, trade union leaders and worker activists in Bangladesh in light of a sinister crackdown by government authorities. 

Gas Natural Fenosa plans on keeping its Colombian subsidiary Electricaribe

22 December, 2016Gas Natural Fenosa has stated its intention to invest in its Colombian subsidiary, Electricaribe at a meeting in Madrid with IndustriALL affiliate, Sintraelecol.

Belarusian unions call for abolishment of decree on “social parasitism”

22 December, 2016In a reply to the Belarusian President’s statement about correcting shortcomings in the decree "On prevention of social dependency”, IndustriALL affiliates say that the decree should be abolished instead of improved. 

Trade unions file OECD case against Renault-Nissan Alliance in three countries

20 December, 2016Calling for the correction of the failure of French Renault S.A., Japanese Nissan Motor Co. and Dutch Renault-Nissan BV to undertake due diligence in order to avoid and address serious labour right violations reported at Nissan North America Inc.’s (NNA) manufacturing facilities in Canton, Mississippi, IndustriALL and its US affiliate the United Auto Workers (UAW) is seeking the good offices of the National Contact Points (NCPs) for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in three countries. The case follows strong recommendations delivered by the US NCP, including the offer of mediation, which were rejected by Nissan North America. 

Update on the #Tipitapa12

20 December, 2016The 12 workers arrested for taking part in a protest action against the dismissal of their union reps in Nicaragua, have been sentenced to house arrest.

LafargeHolcim message heard “Workers’ rights are human rights”

15 December, 2016LafargeHolcim workers, shop stewards, works councils and trade unions across the globe held actions on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December demanding the cement giant LafargeHolcim to respect human rights.

DNO Yemen has property seized for failing to pay workers

15 December, 2016Following its illegal withdrawal from the country Norwegian oil company DNO has had its property and assets seized by Yemeni authorities. IndustriALL demands that the seized valuables be used to reimburse arrears in wages and benefits of DNO workers in Yemen, who have not been paid for their work for over a year since June 2015.

India: Thousands of workers lose employment and wages

14 December, 2016The demonetization process launched by India’s government has affected production, jobs and wages of workers across the country. There are fears that it will result in the loss of over 400,000 jobs and reduce India’s economic growth rate.

Chevron workers in Bangladesh protest against layoffs

2 December, 2016Chevron, one of the world’s major oil corporations and the biggest foreign direct investor in Bangladesh, has dismissed 145 workers in its Bangladesh operations, as the company plans to sell its assets in the country.