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Showing 111-120 of 391 results

Four coal miners dead and nine injured in a Coal India accident

31 July, 2019On the night shift at the Bharatpur open cast mine, at around 11.30pm on 23 July, a controlled explosion triggered a landslide trapping 13 coal miners. 

Cement unions in India commit to improve occupational health and safety

31 July, 2019Cement sector union representatives from different parts of India gathered at Chennai on 29-30 July 2019 to take stock and improve occupational health and safety (OHS) initiatives, social dialogue and union power.

South East Asian cement workers demand an end to unfair competition

25 July, 2019IndustriALL Global Union’s South East Asia affiliates call upon governments take action to stop unfair competition and protect cement workers in the region.

Indonesian shoe and accessory workers picket for unpaid wages

23 July, 2019One hundred Indonesian workers are picketing in front of PT Mikwang Prima Indo (MPI) since the abrupt shut down of the shoe and accessory factory in February.

Textile and garment unions in South East Asia build networks

15 July, 2019Trade union leaders from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in seven countries in South East Asia resolved to build networks and increase organizing in the textile and garment sector despite threats and harassment.

Bangladesh young unionists demand greater role

15 July, 2019Young trade unionists in Bangladesh called for increased participation in trade union activities and leadership positions at an IndustriALL Global Union workshop in Dhaka on 5 and 6 July 2019.

Victory at ExxonMobil in Australia after two-year picket

11 July, 2019Oil and gas workers in Victoria, Australia, have dismantled their picket line after 742 days, following an agreement ending a long-running dispute with ExxonMobil and its maintenance subcontractor, UGL.

Myanmar unions call on brands to join ACT in fight for living wage

8 July, 2019IndustriALL’s Myanmar affiliates are committed to continue the fight for a living wage through building union power and industry wide collective bargaining, and called on global brands and retailers to support the ACT initiative.

Base metals unions determined to stay united against challenges

5 July, 2019Attended by around 50 union representatives from 14 countries in Sydney, Australia from 11 to 13 June 2019, IndustriALL Global Union’s base metals steering committee discussed challenges for workers in the industry and reaffirmed their commitment to international solidarity.

Australian unions committed to campaign against BHP

5 July, 2019In response to BHP’s strategy to drive down wages and conditions of employment in the mining industry, IndustriALL Global Union’s Australian affiliates confirmed their full commitment and support to the campaign against the world’s largest miner.