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Showing 111-120 of 667 results

Indian unions unite against government's anti-labour policies

28 September, 2021Indian unions are taking action against the government’s plans to privatize key assets and sectors on 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, as the so-called National Monetisation Pipeline could violate human and worker’s rights and fail to create decent jobs.

IndustriALL’s 3rd Congress elects new leadership to overcome challenges

16 September, 2021Originally planned to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, the Covid-19 pandemic meant that IndustriALL’s 3rd Congress instead became a virtual event from a television studio in Geneva. On 14-15 September, more than 3,000 delegates and observers from more than 100 countries discussed and debated, elected a new leadership and adopted an ambitious action plan for the next four years.

Union adopts a decent work campaign strategy for organizing artisanal and small-scale miners in Ghana

16 September, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Ghana Mine Workers Union (GMWU), says one of the strategies to organize artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) is to adopt an approach that seeks to formalize and promote a decent work agenda in the informal mining sector.

Independent union next for workers at General Motors' Silao plant

2 September, 2021Workers at General Motors plant in Silao, Mexico, have formed a new union – the national union of automotive workers, SINTTIA. The union will seek to represent GM workers and negotiate a new collective employment agreement.

Workers at General Motors' Silao plant secure historic win

23 August, 2021On 17 and 18 August, workers at the General Motors (GM) plant in Silao, Mexico, voted against the current collective bargaining agreement, which since 2008 has been controlled by Tereso Medina, general secretary of the Miguel Trujillo López union, affiliated to the business-friendly Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM).

Belarus: fight continues for democracy and labour rights

9 August, 20219 August marks the one-year anniversary of the rigged presidential elections in Belarus which have led to intensified repression and intimidation of civil society, as well as a complete disrespect of fundamental human and workers' rights.

Union in South Africa prepares for strike over deadlock in wage negotiations

5 August, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), says it will call for an indefinite strike if employers in the engineering sector continue to negotiate in bad faith.

Unions at ArcelorMittal continue calling for genuine dialogue

1 July, 2021The ArcelorMittal global union network brought together 90 leaders  from around 30 trade unions in 15 different countries in an online meeting on 29-30 June, to discuss challenges, in particularly increasing workplace accidents and social dialogue at all levels.

Unions address accountability as Glencore prepares to reopen Mutanda mine

17 June, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organizing at Mutanda Mine in Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo say preparations to open the mine in July are at an advanced stage with over 1,500 workers expected to report for work.

Kazakhstan must respect union rights

15 June, 2021For the fourth time, union rights violations in Kazakhstan were in focus at the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards during the International Labour Conference.