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Showing 111-120 of 703 results

IndustriALL stands in solidarity with working people in Sri Lanka

9 December, 2022Sri Lanka is experiencing the worst economic and political crisis in its history. According to the World Bank, the country’s economic growth is expected to contract by nine per cent in 2022 and a further four per cent in 2023. 

Myanmar military arson attack leaves garment workers homeless

8 December, 2022The escalation of Myanmar junta’s military attacks in the Salingyi township has rendered scores of garment workers homeless. According to several news sources, the Myanmar junta torched houses in nine villages in the Salingyi township, Sagaing region, in early December. More than 40 houses of Industrial Workers' Federation of Myanmar members were burned down. 

Belarus must respect human rights

8 December, 2022This year, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to a jailed human rights defender from Belarus, a country that has violated a number of core fundamental rights and freedoms for decades.

Stand with imprisoned trade unionists on Human Rights Day

7 December, 2022The right to freedom of association is one of the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at work, and yet right now there are too many people around the world in prison for joining or being active in a union.

Colombian coal workers discuss the need for a just transition

9 November, 2022Members of Sintracarbón, IndustriALL's mining affiliate in Colombia, recently met online to highlight the need for Glencore to ensure that there is a just transition, that workers don’t lose their jobs and that it doesn’t leave a ghost town behind it.

Discussion begins on responsible exit from Myanmar

2 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union has begun discussions with garment brands on a responsible exit from Myanmar, due to the deteriorating human rights situation and the impossibility of doing due diligence.

IndustriALL calls on Bangladesh government to implement roadmap

2 November, 2022As the ILO Governing Body meets in Geneva, Bangladesh will be on the agenda. IndustriALL is calling on the government of Bangladesh to make sincere efforts to implement the roadmap requested by the ILO to improve workers’ rights in the country.

What are unions demanding at COP27?

1 November, 2022Leaders of the world’s governments will begin a two-week meeting in Egypt on Sunday to continue negotiations to address the biggest crisis facing humanity: climate change. A delegation from the global labour movement, including IndustriALL Global Union, will be present at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, to ensure that workers’ voices are raised at this crucial international meeting.

Significant progress needed in UN binding treaty negotiations

21 October, 2022The next round of negotiations on a UN business and human rights treaty will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, next week. Global unions vow to continue to push for a legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

Social protection in action in Bangladesh

20 October, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and the UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum co-hosted a discussion on the recently launched Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) in Bangladesh, which covers the country’s four million garment workers.