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Showing 111-120 of 609 results

IndustriALL urges Holcim shareholders to push for workers' rights

4 May, 2022Holcim has declared a zero-harm target for the workers creating the company wealth, but the reality paints a very different picture. As one of the world's biggest cement producers holds its annual general meeting, unions are calling on Holcim to take responsibility for its workers, regardless of employment status, and recognize the global unions as legitimate partners.

Gender based violence and harassment is a health and safety issue

28 April, 2022GBVH should be recognised as a workplace hazard and systematically integrated into existing and new health and safety policies. This week, IndustriALL is launching the second chapter of the research on gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), with a summary of the results from the electronics sector.

Brands must sign International Accord

28 April, 2022Four days before 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day, marks the anniversary of one of the deadliest workplace accidents in the world; the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh in 2013, killing 1,232 people and injuring scores more. The victims had gone to work in the morning, despite raising fears over the unstable structure of the building. But workers were told by the employer that they would lose their jobs if they didn’t come to work.

Fighting for a safe and responsible steel industry

28 April, 2022Today, on International Workers' Memorial Day, IndustriALL base metals director Matthias Hartwich talks about why this day is important.

The fundamental right to be safe at work

27 April, 2022As we prepare for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April to remember the unnecessary, tragic losses of workers’ lives, we hope to celebrate a milestone in the global efforts to stem the tide of deaths in the world of work. A better tomorrow, where workers will be safe in the knowledge that health and safety will be a fundamental principle and right at work.

Poland’s mines claim more lives

26 April, 2022Within a week, Poland’s coal mining region has been the scene of two deadly accidents, claiming the lives of both workers and rescuers. The tragic accidents show the urgent need for safe mining and Poland’s ratification of ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.

Rana Plaza: from tragedy to an International Accord to make garment factories safe

21 April, 2022Ahead of the ninth anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse on 24 April 2013, general secretary Atle Høie talks about how unions have been able to turn tragedy into a historic agreement to make garment factories safe.

Indonesia: eleven mine workers injured in accident

7 April, 2022Eleven mine workers were injured in a truck crash at the nickel mine site of PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP), located in North Maluku Island on 2 April.

Women mine workers share traumatic experiences on sexual harassment

7 April, 2022Gender based violence and sexual harassment continues to be prevalent in the mining sector in Sub Saharan Africa, according to testimonies by some of the 30 participants at a training workshop in Johannesburg 5-6 April.

Kenya: union calls for improved safety standards as worker dies in furnace accident

31 March, 2022Kenyan unions are calling for better occupational health and safety (OHS) standards in the steel manufacturing industry after a worker was burnt to death in an open furnace accident at Blue Nile Steel Manufacturing factory in Thika. Blue Nile, which manufactures galvanised wire and other steel products, is one of the largest steel manufacturers in the country.