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Showing 1041-1050 of 5748 results

Indian unions unite against government's anti-labour policies

28 September, 2021Indian unions are taking action against the government’s plans to privatize key assets and sectors on 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, as the so-called National Monetisation Pipeline could violate human and worker’s rights and fail to create decent jobs.

Save workers’ lives and make occupational health and safety fundamental right

27 September, 2021According to the first joint WHO/ILO monitoring report, at least 1.9 million workers lose their lives every year due to the work-related diseases and injuries. However, when adding causes of death by risk factors not included and filling in information gaps from poor record-keeping to the data from 2000 – 2016, the number is closer to a staggering 3 million deaths.

Unions in Asia Pacific call for Just Transition

27 September, 2021IndustriALL Asia Pacific affiliates in base metals and mechanical engineering sectors are demanding that governments and employers ensure a Just Transition for workers impacted by Industry 4.0 and green technology.

Bangladesh’s dangerous shipbreaking yards claim two more lives

23 September, 2021In just a week, two more workers have been killed and three have been injured due to the deplorable lack of safety in Chittagong’s shipbreaking yards. IndustriALL affiliates BMF and BMCGTWF have repeatedly brought up the issue of health and safety with both Bangladesh’s government and the ship owners, but to no avail.

Zimbabwean union confronts Afrochine Smelting over workers’ rights violations

23 September, 2021The National Union of Metal and Allied Industries of Zimbabwe (NUMAIZ), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, is protesting workers’ rights violations at Chinese-owned Afrochine Smelting that include unfair termination of contracts for 33 workers, non-payment of wages, and the beating up of workers by supervisors.

OECD Steel Committee should ensure global minimum standards for steelworkers

23 September, 2021The 90th session of the OECD Steel Committee on 22 September focused on global steel market prospects and key issues in the steel sector, including global overcapacity. TUAC, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union used the opportunity to raise awareness among OECD member countries and steel industry associations of the importance of global minimum standards for steelworkers, based on core ILO Conventions, as well as reiterate the importance of responsible business conduct in the steel sector, as set in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Union win for Turkish workers producing smart phones

23 September, 2021When Salcomp Turkey, who produces smart phones for Chinese Xiaomi, the second largest smartphone maker in the world, fired 170 workers for joining a union, the union members took action. After six days, Salcomp agreed to reinstate all dismissed workers.

23,000 Leoni workers in Tunisia receive record wage increase

22 September, 2021Workers at Leoni, one of Tunisia’s largest employers, will receive a retroactive wage increase of six per cent for 2020 and an 8.5 per cent increase for 2021. Unions in the country say the increase is the result of a mature and healthy social dialogue. 

Unions oppose regressive labour law reform in Ukraine

21 September, 2021Ukrainian unions are planning a protest action on 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, against the current labour law reform, which risks undermining workers’ and trade union rights.

Belarus authorities intensify attacks on independent unions

21 September, 2021The pressure on IndustriALL affiliate Belarusian Independent Trade Union has dramatically increased in the last days. Union leaders and activists have been arrested, fined, and their homes have been searched.